Welcome to 5th grade at Meigs! Ms. Maly (Literacy teacher)
{Introductions} I am from Farmington Hills, Michigan. I attended the University of Michigan for my undergraduate degree. I received my master’s degree from Vanderbilt University. I have a younger brother named Christopher.
{Typing Web} Website: www.typingweb.com Click “student log-in” at the top of the page. Type in username & password on the left side of the screen. Username is: mms_lastnamefirst name Password: Different for each student Provided in class by myself or Mrs. Purcell-Orleck You can email us if your child forgets it. Your child should write it down somewhere, though.
{Typing Web} Must complete 15 exercises each week It is best if your child completes the required exercises by Sunday evening, just to be safe. This must be completed at home. If your child does not have access to a computer, he/she may receive a pass from the office starting at 7:30 a.m. each morning to come to the library. I will pass out instructions on how to check the number of exercises that your child has completed.
{Retake Policy} Retakes are available for summative assessments (typically evaluate student learning at the end of an instructional unit) Examples: tests, major projects, papers The most recent grade is the one that counts. There is a maximum of two retakes for any given assessment. Retakes should be completed within 10 days of the assessment being graded & returned.
{Retake Policy} Your child must complete a retake form for each assessment that he/she wants to retake. This form requires a student to analyze his/her mistakes and complete some additional practice. The form also requires a parent signature. Retakes can be taken on Enrichment Wednesdays (every other week). Also, a teacher may schedule retakes in the classroom on an individual basis. Link to policy: http://www.flyparsons.org/GFLretakepolicy12.pdf
{Attendance} It is extremely important that your child is present at school every day and that he/she arrives on time. Of course, we understand that sometimes a student needs to leave for an appointment or family emergency, etc. We also understand that your child may be ill. Your child will miss a lot of work/instruction if he/she is not at school, though. [Tardy policy]—if a student is not in his/her seat by the time the announcements begin at 8 a.m. , he/she is tardy. Once a student has received 3 tardies in a given quarter, your child’s classroom teacher will alert you. If your child receives 5 tardies within a quarter, he/she will receive an office referral.
{Literacy Specific Information} Class website- hmaly.weebly.com All of the Literacy teachers work very closely together. There are several weekly assignments that must be completed such as typing web, spelling/vocabulary quizzes, and vocabulary packet. There is a lot to keep up with in this class so it is extremely important that your child utilizes his/her agenda. Beginning next week, I will ask you to initial your child’s agenda each day. We will be doing a lot of writing in this class and will read several class-wide novels.
{Literacy Specific Information} Summer Reading Required novels—The Hatchet; War Horse or Watson’s go to Birmingham; and a biography of at least 96 pages Should complete a set of comprehension questions to prepare for assessments Assessments will take place on Friday, August 22nd Newspaper template should be completed about the biography. This was distributed this week in class. Additional copies of the materials are available, if necessary