Using Web 2.0 tools inside and outside of Moodle Di Dawson and Terry Loane
What do these all have in common?
What is Web 2.0? Tim O’Reilly and Dale Dougherty coined the phrase in 2005 “an attitude – not a technology” “the perpetual beta” “software that gets better the more people use it” “tools to harness collective intelligence”
What Web 2.0 tools do you use? Forums Blogs Wikis Podcasts RSS feeds YouTube, Googledocs, LinkClouds, Widgets Flickr,, tagging Friendster, Orkut, and LinkedIn,
What tools have we used? Forums Blogs Wikis Podcasts RSS feeds VoIP Moodle Chat Moodle Choice Quia e-snips for video sharing
RSS feeds- commercial and home-made
VoIP and Professional Discussion
Video – and the need to upload
Lots of tools for a real purpose… Any questions?