1 América Licenciamentos
History History Who we are Who we are Clients Clients Services Services Fire Department Local Government CONTRU Sanitary Department CETESB Projects/Regularizations How to contact us How to contact us 2 América Licenciamentos
Due to the exponential and disordered growth of the city, the public sector has increased its concerns in relation to the licensing of properties and businesses so to promote sustainable development in a way in which our society is not harmed. Living and sensing this everyday situation, America Licenciamentos was born 10 years ago as a pioneering and specialized company in regularizations of property and businesses with public agencies such as: Local governments, Fire Department, CONTRU, Sanitary Department, CETESB, among others. We are sure that your company, union, association or customers already have taken steps to be legalized. After all, nobody wants an inspector in his/her door with the possibility to fine a business and, depending on the situation, even to shut it down. On the other hand, many companies enter with the documentation without knowing accurately how to act and, badly assisted, they end up waiting for years in order to obtain its licenses with the local government and other public agencies. It is here that America Licenciamentos can help you. Our History 3 América Licenciamentos
4 Who we are América Licenciamentos is a company specialized in regularizations of property and businesses with public agencies such as: o Local governments o Fire Department o CONTRU o Sanitary Department o CETESB We have a team with great expertise and excellent technical capacity, having an experienced Board coming from different public agencies, delivering quality services in the last 10 years. Mission – The Mission of América Licenciamentos is to make that our customers can work in peace, free of problems with the government, being able to prioritize only their businesses. América Licenciamentos
5 Our clients: América Licenciamentos
6 Our Services: “We don’ twant your company to be fine or shut down!” The team of professionals of América Licenciamentos offers customized customer services and support, assuring full confidentiality of all provided information to the achievement of the desired solutions. Our partnership with your company arises to help in solving problems before or after they happen. Technical quality, agility, discretion and outcomes delivery characterizes our performance in the following areas o Local Governments Local GovernmentsLocal Governments o Contru Contru o Sanitary Department Sanitary DepartmentSanitary Department o Fire Department Fire DepartmentFire Department o CETESB CETESB o Projects/Regularizations Projects/Regularizations Projects/Regularizations Reforms and Constructions o Reforms and Constructions América Licenciamentos
7 Local Goverment o Operating Licensing o Planning permits o Amnesty o Projects o Compliance with Inspections o Building documents / Regularization o ISS – Registering companies from other cities o Monitoring processes o Sawmill lot o Change of use América Licenciamentos
8 Fire Department o AVCB – New and Renewals o Projects formulation and approvals o Execution of works o Facilities and Equipment Maintenance o Pre-inspections o Technical Reports o Fire Brigade Training América Licenciamentos
9 Contru o Projects formulation and approvals o A.V.S. - Security Check o Testimonials o Certificates o Security technical framework o FICAM o Facilities o Reports o Revalidation América Licenciamentos
10 Cetesb o Environmental Licences o Feasibility studies o Pre-License and Installation License o Operating License o Fines appeals América Licenciamentos
11 Sanitary Department o Sanitary Department Registry– CMVS o General advice o Compliance with inspections América Licenciamentos
12 Projects/Regularizations voltar o Development of Architectural Projects o Approval of Architectural Projects o Hydraulic and Electric o Safety Engineering Work o Structural América Licenciamentos
13 Reforms e Constructions L. Nascimento Constructions, specialized company in public and private works. América Licenciamentos and L. Nascimento Constructions are companies of the L. Nascimento Group. América Licenciamentos
14 Contacts: We expect to have the opportunity of helping you with your problems and to foster conditions so to your company working in peace. We are available at the following phone: (11) Or click here to access us in the following websites: América Licenciamentos