Tell me about the most interesting thing you read in TKAM over the weekend. Why do clowns wear loud socks? Lip flap – when a person on television can be seen talking but not heard Lip flap – when a person on television can be seen talking but not heard. Goals – Discuss vocabulary and interesting lines from TKAM. Questions for discussion. Jim Crow references. Homework – Read chapter 15 for tomorrow. Don’t forget to study for vocabulary test # 22.
“I'd rather you shot at tin cans in the back yard, but I know you'll go after birds. Shoot all the blue jays you want, if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.“ How might mockingbirds be connected to Boo Radley and Tom Robinson? Why did the clown go to the doctor? Hammocking – putting a new television show between two established hits. Goals – Review latest vocabulary from the book. Discuss interesting quotes. Share any evidence of “Jim Crow.” Homework – Read and annotate chapter 16.
Free write about anything related to To Kill a Mockingbird. Why do bees hum? Drooling – unrehearsed talking to fill in allotted radio or TV program time. Sometimes called “yata-yata-yata.” Goals – Discuss issues with the book thus far. Homework – Read and annotate chapter 17.
What do you think is the most important aspect of being a good human being? What do you call a pig that knows Karate? Claque – hired applauders. Those who show approval for a fee or self-interest. Goals – Examine chapter 15 and 16 more closely. Notes and discussion. Homework – Read and annotate chapter 18.
Five minutes to study for Vocabulary #22. Why did the girl drink seven cans of pop? Captation – An attempt to attain applause or recognition. Goals – Successfully complete Vocabulary #22. Discussion of Chapter 17 or reading Chapter 19. Homework – Read and annotate chapters 20 and 21 over the weekend.