Marriage, Sexuality and Power in New Mexico,
A person without honor was worse than dead in New Mexico To the Spanish, slavery was an uplifting privilege “so that the captives can be instructed in Our Holy Catholic Faith” Honor & Social Status
Honor was strictly a male attribute, while shame was female Infractions were dishonoring, and the shamelessness of a female reflected on the male head of a household and dishonored the whole group Honor & Virtue
Arranged marriages were dictated by both the person’s status and by each family’s fertility history The number of children, their birth order, and of course their sex dictated the options parents had in arranging such a marriage Honor & Marriage
Between 1694 and 1846, there are 6558 extant diligencia matrimonial in New Mexico Though 3294 genízaro slaves entered the territory during the same time period, only 20 slave marriages were recorded Marriage & the Church
A negative decision came quickly by saying nos dieron calabazas (“they gave us pumpkins”) A positive decision always came 15 days after the proposal The use of a ring as a mark of a marital contract has a long history Spanish Wedding Tradition
When King Charles III took the throne in 1759, he instituted the Bourbon Reforms This included increased taxation, colonizing marginal areas, fortifying defenses and stripping the Church of its privileges Bourbon Reforms