The Health Unit
FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions Q: What are we researching? Q: What are we researching? A: A Health related topic that will be determined by Ms. Robin. A: A Health related topic that will be determined by Ms. Robin. Q: Why are we doing a Health Research Essay in Mr. Sun-K’s Class? Q: Why are we doing a Health Research Essay in Mr. Sun-K’s Class? A: We are doing a research essay in Mr. Sun-K’s class on a Health related topic in order to have integration between different classes in our POD. A: We are doing a research essay in Mr. Sun-K’s class on a Health related topic in order to have integration between different classes in our POD.
Essential Question to consider during this unit How do knowledge and opportunity help us to reason and make good choices?” How do knowledge and opportunity help us to reason and make good choices?”
The Division of Labor Ms. Robin: PowerPoint –Knowledge Ms. Robin: PowerPoint –Knowledge (-Expository PPT Presentation) Mr. Sun-K: Research Essay – Knowledge, Reason, Choices Mr. Sun-K: Research Essay – Knowledge, Reason, Choices (-Persuasive Essay) Mr. Smith: Gathering Data related to Topic – Knowledge, Reason Mr. Smith: Gathering Data related to Topic – Knowledge, Reason (Analyzing Data)
What skills will I need to be successful for this project? Investigation: How can you effectively research your topic? Investigation: How can you effectively research your topic? Organization: How can you plan ahead to meet all required deadlines? Organization: How can you plan ahead to meet all required deadlines? Advising: How effective will you be able to assist your peers in peer revision? Advising: How effective will you be able to assist your peers in peer revision? Reporting: How well will you be able to write out your findings into an essay? Reporting: How well will you be able to write out your findings into an essay?
The “Yes” Test When you turn in your essay you must pass the “Yes” Test before Mr. Sun-K grades your essay. The “Yes” Test outlines the basic requirements of the essay. When you turn in your essay you must pass the “Yes” Test before Mr. Sun-K grades your essay. The “Yes” Test outlines the basic requirements of the essay.
“Yes” Test Requirements 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman Font 12 point font, double spaced, Times New Roman Font reliable sources reliable sources pages pages Three drafts with peer revision Three drafts with peer revision MLA format (Heading, Header, Margins, etc). MLA format (Heading, Header, Margins, etc). In-Text Citations referring back to all sources in Works Cited Page In-Text Citations referring back to all sources in Works Cited Page Works Cited Page Included Works Cited Page Included Persuasive Thesis Persuasive Thesis 4 – 5 Rhetorical Devices included in Essay 4 – 5 Rhetorical Devices included in Essay
“Yes” Test Rounds Remember, you MUST pass the Yes Test before Mr. Sun-K’s grades your essay. To emphasize the importance of this, the “Yes” Test has four rounds: Round 1: Fail, with no penalty. Round 2: Fail 2 nd time = -10% from your final grade. Round 3: Fail 3 rd time = -25% from your final grade. Round 4: Fail 4 th time = Mr. Sun-K will NOT grade your essay and you fail this assignment!!!
Why are we using a “Yes” Test 1. To emphasize the importance of following directions. 2. You will encounter a “Yes” Test next year in 11 th grade English for your Culminating Project Essay, which is a graduation requirement. 3. Mr. Sun-K has found that when he assigns a “Yes” Test, the quality of the essays student’s writes improves immensely.
What steps are involved to Complete this essay? There are four steps: 1. Pre-Research 2. Research 3. Pre-Drafting 4. Drafting and Revision
The Big Six For this unit we will be following the Big Six which means, you will need a stamp from Mr. Sun-K before you move on the next step in the process. Stage 1: Defining the Task Stage 2: Information Seeking Strategies Stage 3: Location and Access Stage 4: Use of Information Stage 5: Synthesis Stage 6: Evaluation
Pre-Research (Stages 1 and 2): Choose a topic: Ms. Robin’s class. Choose a topic: Ms. Robin’s class. Topic Brainstorm: Due Today in Class Topic Brainstorm: Due Today in Class Generate Research Questions: In-Class Tomorrow Generate Research Questions: In-Class Tomorrow
Research (Stages 3 and 4) Laptop Research in Library: Thursday May 14 th – Tuesday May 19th Laptop Research in Library: Thursday May 14 th – Tuesday May 19th Evaluate Sources Packet: Due Wednesday May 20th Evaluate Sources Packet: Due Wednesday May 20th
Drafting and Revision (Stage 5) Create a Thesis/Introduction (Draft 1)*: Wednesday May 27th Create a Thesis/Introduction (Draft 1)*: Wednesday May 27th Body Paragraphs (Draft 2)%: Friday May 29th Body Paragraphs (Draft 2)%: Friday May 29th Full Draft (Draft 3)#: Wednesday Full Draft Jun 3 rd Full Draft (Draft 3)#: Wednesday Full Draft Jun 3 rd Mentor Revision: Thursday June 4th Mentor Revision: Thursday June 4th Final Draft: DUE Friday June 5 th Final Draft: DUE Friday June 5 th *= two copies for 4th period % = two copies for 5th period # = two copies for 6th period
Yes Test Rounds (Stage 6) Dates TBD. Please note: Once Mr. Sun-K returns your essay for failing the Yes Test, you have 1 day to revise your errors between each round.
Please Stand for Think on Your Feet