Unit Presentation on Properties Of Matter By Helen Odita
Unit Summary This module will be used to teach the concept of Physical and chemical properties of matter. Embedded in this unit are many Science as inquiry skills that are taught at the High school level. Students will investigate properties and change of properties in matter, identify different kinds of matter based on the following physical states: Boiling point, solubility etc. Students will investigate how separation will occur based upon differences in physical properties. A real-world scenario is given and students design an experiment based on their research on the internet about the different components of the mixture
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question What is the matter? Unit Questions How does matter change? What is the effect of temperature on matter? What other conditions affect matter? Content Questions Identify matter based on the following observable and measurable properties – states, boiling point, melting point, solubility etc. Investigate and compare methods for separating mixtures by using the physical properties of the components.
Separating Mixtures This project will help my students develop 21 st century skills by: Collaborating with peers. Analyzing data about matter and drawing conclusions to answer Unit Questions Solving problems and making decisions about their experiment. Communicating with others in form of a graphic organizer / flow chart..
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and what they wonder about matter through brainstorming. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know about setting up experiments. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I ask students to find relationships among different states of matter and how stated factor affect their change. How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? If students have misconceptions about how to set up experiments, I can provide scaffolds. If students have different levels of understanding about the importance of matter, I can provide various resources. We will revisit this assessment throughout the unit for students to add their knowledge. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? I would like help on my assessment. I think I need to elicit more higher- order thinking skills, but I’m not sure how.
Find ways to get my students more interested in learning science Learn about different kinds of technology my students and I can use. Share ideas with other teachers. My Goals for the Course
Goals for My Students To learn to differentiate among elements, compounds, and mixtures which can be separated or rearranged through physical processes. To become more independent learners.
Request for Feedback Places I could find a classroom in a different location for my students to collaborate with. Ideas for helping students take more responsibility for their own learning.