Listen to this song Do you agree with the message of the lyrics?
Radio first used as telecommunication First radio audio broadcast Wireless Ship Act requires all U.S. ships travelling over 200 miles from shore to be equipped with wireless radio 1920 First radio stations 1930 – 1949 Golden Age of radio 1933 – People turn to the radio for entertainment and comfort during The Great Depression. President Franklin D. Roosvelt becomes the first “radio president” – Orson Welles’ adaptation of novel War of the Worlds is broadcast on Halloween causing panic among listeners who thought the alien invasion was real 1950 – Television becomes popular and radio suffers. Radio stations concentrate on playing records 1963 – First radio communication satellite, Telstar, is launched into space 1990 – Digital Age – the birth of internet radio 1996 – becomes the first internet radio station Birth of Podcasting 2008 – Revenue from internet radio streaming rose to above $500 million
The Digital Age of radio Explore the variety of radio stations; categories; programmes; podcasts that are available through digital radio: Address the points around the room with your post-its: 1.Something that’s surprised you 2.Something you’ve learnt 3.Something you’d like to explore further
Reflection What have I learnt today? Why have I learnt it? How have I learnt ? How can I use what I’ve learnt today to transfer to another area of English or another subject?