Seminar for NGDO Platforms of New Member States Organized by TRIALOG Daniel Svoboda, Vice-Chair, FoRS Bratislava, České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci Czech Forum for Development Co-operation
2 Participation of Non-State Actors in ODA NSA participation is important in all stages of the project cycle: §during programming stage - setting policies and strategies (effective programming needs overall consensus) §during identification of project ideas and relevant partners (field experience and personal contacts are crucial) §during formulation (or appraisal) of projects (preparation of feasible projects needs expertise) §during project implementation (participation enhances project impacts and sustainability) §during project evaluation… (effective evaluation includes feedback from civil society) None of these roles can be covered only by states bodies…
3 Participation of Non-State Actors in ODA NSA can participate in different ways: §Indirect influence through public means - media, lobbying… (any citizen has the right to influence the policies somehow) §Advisory boards, round tables, expert meetings… (NSA needs to have relevant „speakers“ - e.g. platform) §Conferences, workshops, seminars, public debates… (any professional should have a chance to share experience) §Expert opinion and reviews, proposals, consultations … (it is useful to have a feedback from more stakeholders) §Grants in priority areas - e.g. public awareness, education… (NSA know the best ways how to deal with the NSA) §Tenders in specific areas - either in the country or abroad… (only the best proposal should be selected and approved)
4 Participation of Non-State Actors in ODA Typical involvement of NGOs in development activities: §Public awareness projects (enhancing also public private partnership) §Development education and capacity building projects (with a large scale of target groups) §Development projects with civil society (co-financing grant schemes may be used) §Participation in open tenders - Call for proposals (specific eligibility or cost-sharing criteria may be used) §Cooperation in programming or evaluation (open discussion enhances understanding and support) §Fund raising activities (in particular for humanitarian aid and rehabilitation) §Other activities calling for cooperation with civil society
5 Participation of Non-State Actors in ODA Projects 2004 Projects 2005
6 FoRS - Czech Forum for Development Co-operation Established in 2002, currently 16 members, several observers; new members are going to join FoRS in April Key successes: l Institutional partner for MFA and Development Centre IIR l Member of CONCORD (since January 2003) l Grant system for NGOs launched in 2004 (doubled in 2005) l Special ODA budget line for trilateral projects l Public awareness campaign and development education l Participation in development projects l International conference „Enlarged Europe - Reinforced Responsibility“ (September 2004) l Working groups for 8 programming countries and other three WG for awareness, education and volunteers l Involvement in „Tsunami“ relief and reconstruction Experience of NGDO Platform (Manual ZRS)
7 FoRS activities in 2005 Steering the working groups: l Angola - TODERO l Zambia - Ecumenical Academy l Vietnam - DWW l Serbia and Montenegro - People in Need l Bosnia and Herzegovina - DWW l Moldova - ADRA l Yemen - People in Need l Mongolia - INEX-SDA l Public awareness - Ecumenical Academy l Development education - People in Need l Volunteers - INEX-SDA Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
8 Other selected activities of the FoRS initiated in the CR l MFA Grant program for NGDOs ( ) -Capacities -Public Awareness -Development Education -Partnership l Tender on humanitarian aid for Asia ( ) l Round tables on CSP preparation (January - February 05) l Trilateral projects MFA - CIDA ( ) l Seminar A.R.S. Progetti (4.3.05) l Study tours to priority countries (Angola, Yemen, Zambia) l MDG campaign l Summer School on development cooperation (UP Olomouc) l Other awareness and education events, publications, etc. Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
9 FoRS activities 2005 in the frame of international cooperation l CONCORD Working Groups + representation in the Board l Meeting with Mr. Commissioner Louis Michel ( ) l Activities with ODACE (Fund-raising ) l Activities with TRIALOG (Central training ) l Activities within DEEEP (Summer School Sweden ) l Cooperation with NMS (Slovakia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland…) l Cooperation with other donor countries Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
10 Other selected activities of the FoRS in 2005 l Follow-up to the conference „Enlarged Europe…“ l Cooperation with other „platforms“ in the CR l Coordination of the projects within FoRS (in the frame of grant program MFA or public awareness, list / program of events, etc.) l Mutual consultations to development projects l Internet conferences l Update of the web page l Standpoints to official documents of MFA and DC IIR l Participation in seminars, workshops, conferences l Organization of trainings and seminars (a.o. PCM workshop) Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
11 Problems concerning FoRS activities: l Capacity building - virtual secretariat with two employees (part-time) vis-a-vis demands is hardly sustainable l Higher involvement of member organisations is desirable l We still miss higher support from our partners and general public for development interventions (not only for NGDOs) Acknowledgement for support: l MFA and DC IIR for partnership and grant programs l CIDA / ODACE for „capacity building“ and trilateral program l TRIALOG for support of NMS l CONCORD for enhancing influence on EC decisions l and active members and partner organisations Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
12 Recommended webs: Experience of NGDO Platform FoRS
13 České fórum pro rozvojovou spolupráci Czech Forum for Development Co-operation FoRS, Máchova 7, Praha 2, CR phone/fax: (+420) , Šimon Pánek: (+420) Daniel Svoboda: (+420) Jan Plešinger: (+420)