Agenda: PD What drives PD? +/- of Traditional PD Analyzing Data/Categorizing Data Characteristics of Effective PD PAGES SWOT EQ: How can you create and deliver a PD to have a positive impact on student learning?
What data should be used to determine school-wide PD? Talking Sticks
What data should be used to determine school-wide PD? Observations Benchmarks MAP State Assessments Plans Gradebook
Walk- Share
Instructional Coaching Student-Centered Framework
PD Share Time
Looking at Data Highlight strengths in yellow Highlight concerns in pink
Categorizing Data Discuss and categorize the data highlighted in yellow. Discuss which category would benefit students the most.
If our PD objective is ________________. How do we get there? Learning Targets
Read your article Group together by your article and decide highlights from your article to share with the other group Partner up with someone that read a different article and share highlights from each article
Effective PD
teacher led instruction students working in groups but not working together there was an increase in our Mets across the board and a decline in our Exemplary students. Our Not Mets stayed about the same at 20% students struggle with writing explanations and justifications for their work mostly skill driven in math and reading students struggle with higher level questions and two-step problems/questions
How do I recognize engagement?
Engaging Students in Discussions
Engaging Students in Discussions 1. Articles about importance of students talking- 2. Talk Moves (Add-on, Restate, Revoice, Wait Time) 3. Sentence Starters- Guiding Questions 4. Students asking questions 5. Writing Justifications and Explanations
Piggy Back & Follow-Up Articles about importance of students talking – PB: discuss a way to get students talking – FU: Model, Co-teach, Plan, Observe Talk Moves (Add-on, Restate, Revoice, Wait Time) – PB: Choose 2 Talk Moves to use in your class – FU: Model, Co-teach, Plan, Observe Sentence Starters- Guiding Questions – PB: Choose a lesson and create SS and/or GQ – FU: Model, Co-teach, Plan, Observe Writing Justifications and Explanations – PB: Create a rubric, share with students, and bring student work samples – FU: Model, Co-teach, Plan, Observe Students asking questions – PB: Create a lesson to allow students opportunity to ask questions – FU: Model, Co-teach, Plan, Observe
Things to Consider How do you communicate your expectations for the teachers as you visit their classrooms? How do you continue to support the current teachers and new teachers?
PAGES P- Purpose (school data to support PD) A- Acquisition (New Learning) G- Guided Practice (practice or activity to support new learning) E- Extension (You Do- in your classroom) S- Support (observe, plan, co-teach, model)
Engaging Students in Discussions Articles about importance of students talking- Talk Moves (Add-on, Restate, Revoice, Wait Time) Sentence Starters- Guiding Questions Students asking questions Writing Justifications and Explanations
Talk Moves Extension: Share with table how you tried to increase students talking in your class. How did it go? Purpose: Share data to support
Data (purpose) Observations: – Students are working independently. Students are not talking when working with a partner. Student written answer are not specific and detailed. Benchmark – Math students are not answering written problems in complete sentences. Answers give very little detail. Reading - students are not giving enough details in their answers. State Assessment – Scores are below the school district in math. – Constructed response scores are low with 65% of students meeting expectations.
Talk Moves Extension: Share with table how you tried to increase students talking in your class. How did it go? Purpose: Share data to support Acquisition: Teachers watch a video of the talk moves in a classroom. In groups, teachers decide what they are. Share the talk moves strategies. Guided Practice: Teachers practice the talk moves with each other. Teachers are provided a topic to discuss. Extension: Teachers choose 2 talk moves to implement in their class. Share with IC – ticket out the door-card system Support: Teachers schedule an observation, plan, co- teach, model with the teacher: provide feedback for the teachers.
PD Share Time
Choose an area of focus Create 3-6 sessions (learning targets) to support the PD – Session Title – PB: – FU: Choose one session to develop – P- Purpose (school data to support PD) – A- Acquisition (New Learning) – G- Guided Practice (practice or activity to support new learning) – E- Extension (You Do- in your classroom) – S- Support (observe, plan, co-teach, model)
Professional Development Based on your experiences, what characteristics or structures make for a strong PD and those that are evident in a weak PD. (Corner Conversations) StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats
Piggy Back: Analyzing Data Consider your school’s data. – MAP, state assessments, benchmarks – Observations – Gradebook – Plans Choose 3 areas of focus for your school Narrow down to 1 or 2 for the year Create sessions (3-6) to support the focus
Next New ICs Meeting April 13, 2015