IN THE ERA OF GLOBALIZATION, LOCAL DEVELOPMENT SHALL FOREVER CONSTITUTE THE VIBRANT CORE OF THE SOCIETAL PROGRESS EILD’s mission is to consistently provide innovative high quality services that improve the economy of regions and the quality of life in urban and rural areas by supporting and promoting experience sharing between its members and partners for sustaining international cooperation, skillful networking and further progress and growth. European Institute for Local Development
European Institute for Local Development – EILD - is an independent, non-governmental organization, whose members are European citizens and organizations interested in supporting regional development activities. WHO WE ARE
o EILD coordinates activities across Greece through our secretariat based in the city of Thessaloniki and through our European consultants. o Our consultants are experienced in implementing local development actions in remote, marginalized and difficult accessed areas. o We participate and lead global actions and initiatives that contribute to regional development across the globe. WHERE WE WORK
EILD operates as a social player in collaboration with local and regional organizations and institutions in the fields: o Regional Development o Development of New Technologies and Transfer of Innovation o Vocational Education & Training o Exchange of Knowledge o Information Access o Capacity Building o Awareness Raising o Social Cohesion o Research WHAT WE DO
EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Who joins the European Network for Local Development? E-DEVELOPMENT AGENCY What is e-development strategy? BEST LOCAL DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES REPOSITORY Why to read about, understand and create best practices? STATE-OF-THE ART ACTIVITIES
o Joining our Network today is made possible for every organization or NGO who aims to work with us for the fulfillment of common goals and objectives. o Member’s role in the European Network for Local Development will be on volunteer basis for any objective and initiative that members show interest in. o Exchange of ideas is supported by Research, Exchange of knowledge, Capacity building and Awareness raising Join Our Network Become member of EILD Network - Join Our Network EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT
o The e-Development agency has created a net environment for supporting new technologies for local development with emphasis on mobile computing, e- learning, e-working and e-collaborating. o Innovative projects (concepts and/ or developments) may be presented o It is quite common and imperative, for policy makers to focus one education, e-health, e-commerce, e-finance and, e-government as elements of an overall development strategy. E-DEVELOPMENT AGENCY
The Best Practices Repository for local development assists all partners monitor and evaluates local and regional conditions and trends as measures of progress and to help them use the available data in participatory decision-making processes at all levels. BEST PRACTICES REPOSITORY
Add Best Practice The Best Practices Repository for local development assists all partners monitor and evaluates local and regional conditions and trends as measures of progress and to help them use the available data in participatory decision-making processes at all levels. read more about best practices… BEST PRACTICES REPOSITORY
o Successfully development strong cooperation axes between European Local Authorities, NGOs, Universities. o Facilitated the integration of national regions into the European Union’s programmes involving all society actors. o Developed successful project ideas and proposals within European Project Frameworks for international collaboration WORK ACCOMPLISHED
Network Member
EUROPEAN INSTITUTE FOR LOCAL DEVELOPMENT Website: Address: 5 Lytra Street, Thessaloniki, Greece Tel: , Fax: CONTACT