Chapter 30 - Electronic Commerce and Business Introduction E-Commerce is Big Business –all commercial transactions conducted over the Internet shopping, online banking, invesing, bill paying Security Made E-commerce Possible (shopping cart) Secure Sockets (SSL) Public Key Encryption Provides Authenticity –Public key encryption is surprisingly general -- in addition to guaranteeing that messages remain confidential, it can be used to verify authenticity. –Encryption Software Needs a Key
Chapter 30 - Electronic Commerce and Business Digital Signatures –A digital signature consists of a special form of encrypted message; the encryption technology guarantees that a digital signature cannot be forged. Certificates Contain Public Keys What is Digital Money? (like a debit card) Digital Cash Is Not Widely Available –micropayments Business and E-commerce A Business Must Protect Its Networks Firewalls Protect Networks
Chapter 30 - Electronic Commerce and Business A Firewall Filters Packets Firewalls Guard Against Trojan Horses –A firewall is placed between a company and the Internet to restrict access to the company from the outside. To prevent a Trojan horse attack, the firewall also restricts access to the Internet from within the company. DEFINITIONS OF VIRUSES AND OTHER COMPUTER "VERMIN"
Chapter 30 - Electronic Commerce and Business Terms –e-commerce –e-business –shopping cart –sockets –public key encryption –digital signature –digital money –firewall –Trojan horse –virus –worm