Romantic Era Symphonies and Concertos
The Romantic Symphony Took on new proportions Number of movements and tempo scheme not religiously followed. Beethoven Pastoral Symphony = 5 mvmts Tchaikovsky Pathetique Symphony ended with slow mvmt.
A Typical Romantic Symphony MovementFormTempo 1 st MvmtSonata-allegro form - home key slow intro (optional) Exposition - theme 1 (home key) rhythmic character - theme 2 (contrasting key) lyrical character - closing theme (still contrasting key) Development (free modulation) more expansive Recapitulation - theme 1 (home key) - theme 2 (home key) - closing theme (home key) Allegro 2 nd MvmtSonata-allegro form, or A-B-A form, or Theme and Variations (different key) Slow, lyrical, varied moods 3 rd MvmtScherzo and trio, A-B-A (home key) Scherzo, 2 sections Trio, 2 sections Scherzo returns Triple meter Fast pace 4 th MvmtSonata-allegro form, rondo form, or something else (home key)Allegro or presto; shorter & lighter than 1 st mvmt
Johannes Brahms A traditionalist Wrote romantic themes in the tradition of the Classical masters. Symphony #3 – romantic in tone with Classical form 3 rd Movement form? major or minor? meter? 0:00 which instr. has melody? 0:27 which inst. has melody? 0:52 what happens here? 1:27 what happens here? When does B section start? When does A section return (A prime)
Antonin Dvorak Nationalist themes from Bohemia and the US While in US he studied traditional music of African Americans New World Symphony is his most popular work 4 mvmt symphony 1 st movement 0:00 what is the tempo? 2:03 Theme 1 3:02 Theme 2 3:56 Theme 3 4:22 Development 5:48 Recapitulation
Felix Mendelssohn His music kept classical forms Violin Concerto in E Minor 3 movements To be played without pause 1 st Movement How is the beginning different? 0:00 Theme 1 0:58 Full Orch plays theme 1 2:53 Theme 2 3:08 Solo violin with theme 2 5:24 Development 7:07 Cadenza 8:54 Recapitulation 12:18 Coda