This is where your writing is being assessed as opposed to your reading
General information In both papers in the sections where writing is being assessed, errors will be noted and could count against you. However, this is usually only if there are many and they tend to be constant; odd errors are generally excusable – they realise that you are writing against the clock!
Overall Structure Every essay should be planned and have a beginning, middle and end. Every essay must have paragraphs – failure to do so results in grades rather than marks being knocked off!
Sentence Structure Sentence structure is very important: You need to know the difference between a full-stop and a comma. You need to know how a semi-colon works and where to use it.
Sentence Structure cont. You need to know about: o simple sentences – e.g. The cat sat on the mat. o complex sentences – e.g. The cat, which was a tabby, sat on the mat. o compound sentences – e.g. The cat sat on the mat and the dog sat on the sofa.
Sentence Structure cont. You need to know how and where to use the different sentence types: For instance, a string of short simple sentences can create the effect of terror or suspense. Longer compound or complex sentences tend to produce a more peaceful atmosphere.
Spelling Spelling needs to be sound but carries less weight than sentence structure and variety. Try to use a varied vocabulary even if you cannot spell all the words, as this boosts your marks.
Content Your essay needs to have something to say – a lot of generalised waffle does not get you many marks. This is not always easy…
Exam essays compared to term-time essays The exam essays will be done under timed conditions. However, do not impose time restrictions on yourself at the beginning of the course. At this point you are learning the disciplines; you will have plenty of timed practice before you get to the actual exam.
Good endings Remember that the examiner will be working quite quickly and while s/he will try to give your work the attention it deserves, like you in your exam, s/he has a time constraint so your ending is important: it is what will leave the ‘taste in the mouth’ of the examiner’s impression of your work. So make your ending a good one – if it is a cliff-hanger, then make it exciting; if it is a resolution, then make it believable and conclusive.