Calescite Scan through “sub horreo” on pg. 126 – lines 1 – 8 only List all SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD verbs Hint: sunt TRIA verba!
“sub horreo” Pg groups: Narrator, Modestus, Strythio&Narrator Translate your part with your group Practice linguam Latinam et Anglice
“sub horreo” Pg. 126 Practice (10 min.) Present! (LL et Ang) Postquam, de quaestionibus dicemus.
Result Clauses – pg. 130 “ut” + Subjunctive – …(with the result) that… Uses an adverb describing amount!!! – tot, tam, tantus, adeo… In tuis papyris, scribite : #1 – 6 – Translate the RESULT CLAUSE of each sentence – Write the clause in Latin AND English
PraeDom: PTL pg. 133 Parts A & C – (odd #s only) Part A: Example #2 – Vilbia, having gone out of the kitchen, looked for her sister immediately. – “egressa” – Perfect Active – “Vilbia” Part C: Example #2 – The citizens, when they had entered the shop, demanded wine. “intravissent”
Calescite Extracte “PTL” Dicemus de praescripto domestico!
“Modestus attonitus” pg. 129 Translate one of three ways: – Literally – Summarize (at least 10 sentences) – Pictofabula You may work with A (ONE, UNUM, 1, etc.) partner. Perficetis hanc fabulam cras!
“Modestus attonitus” pg. 129 Translate one of three ways: – Literally – Summarize (at least 10 sentences) – Pictofabula You may work with A (ONE, UNUM, 1, etc.) partner. Si non perfectistis id, est praescriptum domesticum.