CIVIL WAR CAUSES U.S. History November 21 / 24, 2014
CIVIL WAR CAUSES Objective: Students will be able to identify how the United States was divided during the Civil War. Purpose: Study the beginnings of war and to understand the prevailing themes and causes to the Civil War. Standard(s): Historical Thinking Skill: Analysis & Interpretation. Cause & Consequence.
WARM-UP: CARTOON ANALYSIS Write in your notebooks. 1. What is happening in the cartoon? 2. What is the difference between the two images? 3. What do you think the intended message of the cartoon is? 4. Based on the image, has slavery gone away? Why? 5. Classroom Discussion: Is it any better nowadays?
VIDEO: BRAIN POP – CIVIL WAR CAUSES Watch the video and take 10 facts. Write in notebook.
INTERACTIVE JOURNAL: NORTH & SOUTH People and Economy of the North Mostly urban and emphasis on factories and cities. Twice (2x) population of the south, also had enough food to feed all of its people, including its armies. Many factories produced much of what was needed. Railroads: 69% covered the north. WAS Interconnected. Lacked money and had to issue bonds. Introduced the first federal income tax in People and Economy of the South Mostly rural and agriculture focus. South had no factories to produce guns or ammunition. Cash crops: i.e. tobacco & cotton & food – did not produce enough. Railroads: 31% covered the south. NOT interconnected. It was hard to move food, weapons and men quickly over long distances.
LESSON ASSESSMENT: A CIVIL WAR MAP Color the map to find out how the United States was divided during the Civil War. 1. Follow the directions as shown on the worksheet. 2. Color in the states. Use only 3 different colors and diagonal pencil/pen lines. Slaveholding States = Diagonal Lines. 3. Cut out and glue into notebooks Points Extra Credit: In 1861 West Virginia separated from Virginia. It became a state in Study the map. Write why you think West Virginia became its own state.
CLOSURE: WRITE ON MAP PAGE In 1861 West Virginia separated from Virginia. It became a state in Study the map. Write why you think West Virginia became its own state. Hint: Look at South Carolina and North Carolina. Now, look at Virginia and West Virginia. Write a 2-3 sentence response.
EXIT SLIP 1. Write one thing learned this week. 2. Write one thing you found interesting. 3. Trade with a neighbor, share, and write down 1 response from them. 4. Turn into the basket as your ticket out of the door.