B y T aylor C hase
Definition and types of bullying Bullying is making someone feel bad. Bullying is like abuse, it’s a really bad thing to do. Types of bullying is: Verbal bullying Cyber bullying Physical bullying Personal bullying
Examples of bullying When you call people names and say stuff to them just to put in their heads. When you pick on people or hurt them like push them around because they look weak. Some people bully other people because they aren’t treated good at home or they think people will like them and they would be cool.
Consequences of bullying for the victim and the bully Victim: They might start feeling bad about themselves and start hurting or trying to kill themselves. Bully: They might feel good about what they did or they might feel sorry for that person if they died or got hurt because of them and stop bullying them.
Personal experience of bullying SSome girl said they were going to beat me up tomorrow so I told my mom and said I can hit her if she hits me first. So the next day her and her friends walk up and she pushes me onto the floor while her friends are laughing and a big crowd begins to watch. When I got back on my feet I punched her right in her face and her friends got scared and went to tell a recess teacher.
Interview with my sister Me: What do you think about bullying? Jada: It’s a bad thing to do and people can be hurt by it. Me: Have you ever been a bully or been bullied? Jada: I have been bullied by a group of girls and once me and my friends picked on people and didn’t let them play with us, but now I know its wrong.
Interview with my mom Me: What do you think about bullying? Mom: It is wrong it brings down self esteem and makes the bullied child fearful everyday. Verbal bullying is just as hurtful as physical and is a pain that can cause mental anguish and lead to suicide in some cases. Me: Have you ever been bullied or been a bully? Mom: I was bullied because I wasn’t in a social “clique” I was a friend with anyone who was nice in return. I was picked on daily because I was different than everyone who wanted to belong in certain groups.
Examples of bullying from national news II heard from the news that a kid was being bullied so much that they hung their self in the school bathroom. I also heard on the news that a kid ran away from home because they were being bullied so much. So as you can see bullying is a bad thing to do.
What students can do about bullying Some things students can do about it is help the person that’s being bullied. Stand up to the bully and let them know some things that happened to kids that were being bullied. If you’re the one being bullied then just ignore them or tell an adult or tell the bully to stop.
What adults can do about bullying Talk to their kids about school and if they are having a hard time at school or not Don’t fight in front of your kids and make your kid feel safe so they don’t bully kids
My pledge of peace I pledge to not pick on others, help out on some of the events and do some community service.
Taylor Chase Made and created by Jada Chase a.k.a my sister Faustina chase a.k.a my mom Mr.Dibley my teacher Thank you to