Netiquette Is a set of rules for behaving properly online.
Basic Etiquette Begin each with a greeting Identify yourself Include subject line which reflects the content Be clear and concise Choose words and typestyles thoughtfully –Large font and font colors are difficult to read
Bold or ALL CAPS looks like shouting
Be Professional Be professional when writing –No abbreviations –Use emoticons sparingly They are often misunderstood and relay vague ideas It’s better to find clear words for your thoughts –Address people you don't know as Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Use proper English, especially if you are writing to a businessperson Remain polite –Use please and thank you –Never use offensive language
Spelling and Grammar Use Correct Spelling –Use a dictionary or a spell checker –When in doubt, spell it out! Use Proper Grammar –You can write in a conversational tone –Pay attention to basic rules of grammar
Watch Your Tone If your message is designed to vent strong feelings –write it, but do not send it until you have slept on it overnight. –It is interesting how different your words look in the light of day! If your words appear to be rude, you could start a “flame war”
Forwarding Do not forward bogus information –Search the topic in these to make sure it’s not a hoax Without thinking you can expose your friends’ address to total strangers –Remove addresses at top before forwarding
Is Electronic Mail Private? Anything you write online can be (and may be) forwarded to others Do not disclose trade secrets or company- confidential information Never send the following over –Usernames and passwords –Credit card or other account information –Sensitive information
Remember the Human Do unto others as you'd have others do unto you. Would you say it to the person’s face? The written word is stored somewhere and could come back and haunt you.
Adhere to the same standards of behavior online that you follow in real life Be ethical You cannot get back an you already sent so be careful what you write and how you write it.
Be forgiving of other people's mistakes Never be arrogant or self- righteous about it. So when someone makes a mistake -- whether it's a spelling error or a spelling flame, a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer -- be kind about it.
Remember Emotions You can use smileys sparingly to signal emotions like smiles, winks, sadness, surprise, etc.smileys I wish I'd read this before! ;-) I wish I'd read this before. :-( Satire and humor is particularly hard to transmit, and sometimes comes across as rude and contemptuous.