Socio-Economic Development Strategy of Romania- Bulgaria Cross Border Region, by Innovation RINNO - A Model for Enhancing the Benefits of Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Region Cooperation, by R&D&I
Rational The Strategy represents: A vision about the role of innovation in economic and social development of the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region A selection of the most appropriate strategic alternatives for action, in respect of reviewed studies and national documents from Romania and Bulgaria, and European as well, targeting innovation A connection to a new philosophy of Romania-Bulgaria cross border region development, Europe’s own and glogal shared, representing sustainable development by innovation and technological transfer
Guideline development efforts of the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region towards tangible and sustainable results of research, development and innovation during Reinforcement of the research and innovation within the region and support them in anticipating and adapting to the new needs and demands of socio-economic environment Building the basis for innovation projects development and implementation in the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region between Aims
The Strategy of Development is based on: Existing socio-economic situation analysis European path analysis of the two countries Needs and development potential for the cross border geographic and administrative perimeter Objectives Assumed goals to be achieved while taking into account the opportunities and challenges in the external environment Strategy of Development
-Continuity with strategic and programmatic documents of Romania and Bulgaria: Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme Romanian RDI Strategy , Romanian Competitivity Strategy , Bulgarian Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialisation 2014 – Extensive consultation / debate underthe framework of Innovation Caravan and associated events: public debate for strategies, debate in central square of the main towns, debate in universities and brokerage sessions Development Strategy
The sustainable development of the cross border region in based on: Increasing competitiveness by innovation Integrated capitalization of innovation and development potential Sustainable development of business environment Performant public administration, trained and oriented to the society Creating a pole of expertise for a competitiveness co- opertaion at international level Main Objective of Strategy
A society of the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region with a strong regional innovation system complementary to national innovation systems of the two countries, that ensures competitiveness, sustainable development and quality of life in the region Vision
Medium and long term target: Horison 2020: Reaching the current average level of the main innovation development indicators at the level of European Union countries, according to the Innovation Union Scoreboard Horison 2030: Significant approaching to the average level of innovation development indicators of European Union countries, according to the Innovation Union Scoreboard Vision (sequel)
1.Enabling people to innovate 2.Faciliting innovation 3.Creating and applying knowledge 4.Applying innovation to address global and social challengess 5.Improving the management and implementation measures for innovation policies Principles for Achieving Strategy
Strategy Tools RomâniaBulgaria -Romania-Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme National Plan of R&D&I (PNCDI 3) -“Competitivity” Operational Programme - Priority Axis “Research, Technological development and Innovation for Business support and Competitivity” -Regional Operational Programme, -“Human Capacity” Operational Programme -“Administrative Capacity development” Operational Programme, -Rural Development National Programme -Romania - Bulgaria Cross Border Cooperation Programme
Increasing the competitiveness of Romania-Bulgaria cross border economy, by innovation Developing the cross border innovation system and the conections with innovation national systems of Romania and Bulgaria Increasing the science role in the cross border economic and social environment Main Objectives
Integrating businesse, local governments, RDI organizations and civil society in a coherent project for the region, by innovation Supporting smart specialization Concentrating a significant part of RDI activities on societal issues Supporting quality local public administration, trained and oriented towards social innovation Growing a critical mass of competitiveness innovative companies Preparing the next generation for societal challenges Specific Objectives
The action lines represent an integrated combination of proposed measures, which cover the main socio-economic dimensions of the region: 1.Suppot for Research – Development – Innovation 2.Tourism development 3.Business Environment Development in Industry, Services and Agriculture 4.Modern and Flexible Government, Oriented towards Society and its Needs 5.Culture and Education 6.Ecology, Biodiversity and Risk management Action Lines
Priorities & Proposed Measures 1. Support for Research – Development - Innovation a) Creating a Stimulating Environment for Private Sector Initiatives Tax credits / Venture capital funds and guarantee funds / Management of intellectual property; patent b) Smart Specialization Support Projects initiated by companies / Competences Centers; Technological Development Centers, Innovative Clusters / 3. Transfer infrastructure, results exploitation, incubators c) Innovative Solutions for Public Sector d) Research Directions, Co-operation e) Support Actions Institutional Capacity for all Regions / Innovation Infrastructures and Clusters / Entrepreneurial and Innovation Training Education in Technological Sciences
Smart specialization areas, identified based on their scientific and commercial potential Bioeconomy Information and Communication Technology Space and Security Energy, Environment and Clime Changes Eco-Nano-Tchnologies and Advanced Materials Mecatronics and Clean Technologies New Technologies in Creative and Recreative Industry Priorities & Proposed Measures
2. Tourism Development -Support for tourism activity development -Connectivity tourism infrastructure development -Support for training in tourism, including the establishment of training facilities -Tourism prodicts management (leisure tourism, business tourism, cultural tourism, maintaining health and treatment, eco-tourism) -Promotion eco-tourism technologies for environment protection -Support for investment in agro-tourism and rural tourism -Promotion, internationalization, attracting investments Priorities & Proposed Measures
3. Business Environment Development in Industry, Services and Agriculture -Support for starting new micro enterprises in non-agricultural field (e.g. production, services) -Develop trade activities -Investment in re-launching industrial areas -Support for companies with activities in innovation sectors -Develop business support infrastructures, including vocational training centers and competence centers to facilite the public-private collaboration -Support for new and existing storage and processing facilities for agricultural and fishing products -Support and promotion of eco-agriculture (organic agriculture) -Initiatives for agriculture investments -Support for setting up a distribution system of agricultural products -Support for training of workers in agriculture Priorities & Proposed Measures
Smart specialization sectors with potential in the region: -Tourism and Eco-tourism -Textile and Leather -Wood and Furniture -Creative Industry -Automotive and components -Information and Communication Technology -Food Processing and Beverage -Health and Pharmaceuticals -Energy and Environmental Management -Bioeconomy (Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture), Biopharmaceutical, Biotehnology Priorities & Proposed Measures
4. Modern and Flexible Government, Oriented towards Society and its Needs -Use of modern public management methods, techniques and characteristics -Continuous adaptation of the public servant training methods in respect with European norms -Development of e-government -Improving the transparency of public authorities -Reducing bureaucracy -Prevention of irregularities in public procurement -Elimination of corruption, awareness administrative staff of potential corruption elements, anticorruption training -Cross Border training centers for administrative staff and NGOs, in order to provide integrate training services Priorities & Proposed Measures
5. Culture and Education -Improve education at all levels -Support continous learning for profesionals involved in education and training -Support the continuing voational training for adults -Increase the attractiveness of vocational education activities -Support and promoting links between vocational education, higher education, research and business Priorities & Proposed Measures
6. Ecology, Biodiversity and Risk Management -Create support for nature protection -Increase public awarness on environmental protection -Joint prevention of natural and anthropic risk in the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region -Joint actions for warning and emergency response in the Romania-Bulgaria cross border region Priorities & Proposed Measures
Governance strategy What common strategic actions that the two Ministeres of Romania and Bulgaria assume Strategic projects with high impact on the region (ideas, partnership, etc) Action plan – Masterplan Priorities & Proposed Measures
Topics of Discussion Necessity to improve R&D&I in the region, based on expertise and regional needs (new RDI Institutes, professional schools, universities) Necessity to improve de innovation and technological development infrastructure Necessity to develop the service system addressed to SMEs, based on international methodologies Development of international and cross border partnership Development of the active involvment in the Danube Strategy Financial support for increasing the competitiveness of creative activity, innovation, technological development and services, based on high added value
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