Colonial Life Web Quest By Kimberly Kamp Home Introduction Task Process Evaluation Conclusion Teachers Website Evaluation
Introduction Did you ever wonder what it was like in the Colonial times when there were no electronics? How did people survive? They could not pick up the phone to call a friend or sit in front of a television to play a game. There was not even any electricity to turn on a light. How did the Colonial people ever live? You are about to find out by jumping back in time and exploring what life was like being a Colonial person.
Task Your task will be to prepare a diary of a Colonial person. You may choose to be any class person that lived in the colonial times. There has to be at least six (6) entries in your diary. You need to talk about what life was like being a colonial person. Include facts about your occupation, home life, family, activities, and anything else you feel is important. Be creative! You may make a homemade journal and even include hardships that may have occurred. Remember to include dates in your journal entries.
Process Explore the following websites to help you learn more about how the Colonial people lived. Take notes on facts about the way of life that you would like to include in your diary entries. After exploring all of the websites, begin writing your diary entries using your notes and including the required elements from the task page. Colonial Life Colonial Life : At this website you will learn about the way of life at different parts of the colonial town. Colonial KidsColonial Kids : Learn about how kids lived their life in the colonial times. Read about the home life, school time, and the fashion of their time. Colonial Information Colonial Information : Here you will read more information about what life was like living in the colonial times. Colonial MusicColonial Music : Explore some of the music that was listened to in the colonial times. There is a lot of great information on the music from colonial times at this site. Colonial CustomsColonial Customs : Learn about the colonial times through an old textbook that was placed online. Colonial WilliamsburgColonial Williamsburg : See what life was like in the colonial days by exploring Colonial Williamsburg.
Evaluation The following RUBRIC will help you in determining what you need to include in your journal entries to get the grade you want. RUBRIC
Conclusion You have completed your jump back in time to the colonial days. I hope you have learned a lot about what life was like back then and appreciate everything you have today. Some people in the colonial times might have appreciated what you have today. Discuss on the following Blog what you believe it would be like to live in the colonial times. Select “Kampcolonial” as the username and type in “student2011” as the password. When you have completed your blog please enjoy exploring the games and activities for some fun! Bloggames and activities Bloggames and activities
Teachers This web quest activity would be appropriate for a fourth or fifth grade social studies class when studying what colonial times were like. The objective of the activity is for the students to use the internet in order to learn more about colonial life through jobs, customs, music, and life style. Through their journal entries the students will be able to apply the information they found to the understanding of colonial life. STANDARDS A – Write with a sharp, distinct focus B – Write using well developed content appropriate for the topic C – Explain the fundamentals of historical interpretation A – Identify and explain the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to United States history from the beginning to 1824 Before sending the students off on their journey, you might want to review the proper way of writing journal entries since the rubric will grade on this matter. One other thing to note is the games and activities attached are not geared toward a fifth grader but sometimes it is fun to relax your mind knowing it will not be hard.
Website Evaluations ► ► The colonial life link is written by a man named David White. He has degrees in both history and journalism. He provides tutoring services and has authored books. On the website there is a contact service that can be used to contact him. There are a couple ads on the sides of his page to google and sites specifically for teachers. He has last updated his site in 2011 because he provides insights on current events. It is very easy to use with links stating what information you will find when you click on it. ► ► The colonial kids link will take you to a Thinkquest created by a fourth grade class in Pennsylvania guided by their teacher. Along the bottom of the page are multiple links to different information. There is a “contact us” link that goes to the teacher of this fourth grade class. There are no ads on this page that pop up and there is also a list of sources stated that were used to find their information. It was created in 2000 and is very easy to navigate. ► ► The colonial life link was written by Tim Lambert who has a degree in history. Tim can be reached by searching him on the internet and ing him. He does have a page just about him. He provides some information on colonial life and then also more links for you to find out more information. This website was created in 2001 and is very easy to navigate. ► ► The colonial music link was written by David K. Hilderbrand. This is a scholarly website including many successful authors. There are biographies of all the authors and ways to contact them on the site. The website is regularly updated with recent research. There are few ads and the site is easy to navigate. ► ► The colonial customs link is written by Katy Leigh who transcribed an old textbook. The textbook is History of the United States by Henry Elson. The website providing the information is hosted by Founding Fathers Info. The website was copy righted in The information was put on the web for easier access to the textbook. The writer and host have biographies and addresses available for contact. ► ► The colonial Williamsburg link was written by the foundation in charge of Colonial Williamsburg. There is an article about the organization and ways to contact the president and officers of the foundation. It is an excellent website to find information on because it comes from the reenacting of the town. Williamsburg was actually a colonial town so you get the feel of the town and what went on. The website was last updated in 2011.