1 豐濱國中教師暑期研習 講題:批判性思考與九年一貫課程講演者:溫明麗 國立台灣師範大學教授 國立台灣師範大學教授 日期: 2003 年 8 月 19 日 10:00 – 12:00 地點: 花蓮縣豐濱國中.


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Presentation transcript:

1 豐濱國中教師暑期研習 講題:批判性思考與九年一貫課程講演者:溫明麗 國立台灣師範大學教授 國立台灣師範大學教授 日期: 2003 年 8 月 19 日 10:00 – 12:00 地點: 花蓮縣豐濱國中

2 Back to the nature of Ed What is the nature of Ed.? What is the nature of Ed.? What do you think about Ed.? What do you think about Ed.? What can you do for Ed.? What can you do for Ed.? What have you done for Ed.? What have you done for Ed.? What do you want to do for Ed.? What do you want to do for Ed.?

3 The Nature of Ed. Enlightenment  Rationality Enlightenment  Rationality Utilitarianism  Effectiveness Utilitarianism  Effectiveness Socialism  Harmony Socialism  Harmony Liberalism  Autonomy Liberalism  Autonomy Knowledge, Personality, Community, Opportunity Knowledge, Personality, Community, Opportunity

4 3 kinds of Rationality Economic function Economic function Traditional maintaining Traditional maintaining Self development Self development

5 2 dimensions of Effectiveness Maintain the status quo Maintain the status quo Make a progress Make a progress

6 Socialism vs. Liberalism Harmony vs. Autonomy Harmony vs. Autonomy Cooperation vs. Freedom Cooperation vs. Freedom Community vs. Individuality Community vs. Individuality

7 The obligation of teachers Taking students as teachers Taking students as teachers Democracy Democracy Contribution Contribution Enlightenment Enlightenment

8 The significance of life Self-realisation Self-realisation Self-reflection Self-reflection Self-actualisation Self-actualisation

9 Where to go ? Being yourself Being yourself Living together Living together Self learning Self learning

10 4 aspects of personality Self-confidence Self-confidence Self-rebellion Self-rebellion Confirm others Confirm others Rebel others Rebel others

11 4 Criteria for a good teacher Knowledge Knowledge Virtue Virtue Wisdom Wisdom Love Love

12 Why CTI ? Creativity Creativity Reflection Reflection Autonomy Autonomy

13 What should we learn from CTI? Adequate knowledge Adequate knowledge Transferability Transferability Problem-solving Problem-solving Good life Good life

14 6 Methods to teach CT Role-playing Role-playing Dialogue Dialogue Dilemma Dilemma Problem-solving Problem-solving Situated-centre Situated-centre Brain-storming Brain-storming

15 4 Ways to respond to educational reform Maintain the aim of Ed. Maintain the aim of Ed. Reflecting on your own idea of Ed. Reflecting on your own idea of Ed. Examining your teaching effectiveness Examining your teaching effectiveness Caring for the feeling of students Caring for the feeling of students

16 How to deal with conflicts Understanding Understanding Keep a tranquil mind Keep a tranquil mind Deliberation Deliberation Emancipating from stereotypes Emancipating from stereotypes

17 The Criteria for Think Critically Importance Relative Clarity Depth Width Logic Precision Correct

18 Thank you very much! Blessing you!