SIN: Protect It! Safeguard It! Social Insurance Number.


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Presentation transcript:

SIN: Protect It! Safeguard It! Social Insurance Number

What is a Social Insurance Number? The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a nine-digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits.

THE MOST COMMON USES OF YOUR SIN ARE FOR: your employer your income tax information financial institutions from which you earn interest or income Canada Pension Plan Employment Insurance (EI) Program benefits Canada Child Tax Benefit Canada Student Loans Social assistance benefits Workers Compensation benefits child support payments.

When Don’t you have to provide your sin or show your card? Proving your identity Completing a job application (before you get the job) Completing an application to rent an apartment Cashing a cheque Applying for a credit card Applying for a video club membership Completing bank transactions Renting a car Getting cellular service Applying to university or college

What should you do when someone asks for your SIN? If it isn’t required, ask why it is being requested, how it will be used, and with whom it will be shared If it is not required by law, explain that you will not provide it. Offer other proof of identity If you are refused a product or service because you don’t give your SIN, ask to speak to the person in charge to explain yourself You can complain to the Privacy Commissioner of Canada

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