5 th Grade Civil War Study Guide Created by: Mrs. Thornburg’s Found online at Fulton Schools
A person that runs away from the law.
What is a tariff?
Tariff is a tax charged by a government on imported goods. (Goods brought into a country)
What is discrimination?
Discrimination is a treatment of people based on a class or category rather than individual merit.
Underground Railroad
This was a secret system that helped runaway slaves escape to Canada or the free states.
These people printed antislavery newspapers and spoke against slavery to try and end slavery.
Free States
A state that did not have slavery.
Slave States
A state in which slavery is allowed.
Popular Sovereignty
Authority carried out by the people at large. When the people of a state or territory get to make decisions for themselves and the FEDERAL government does not.
Another name for the United States.
Additional Slides Created by: Mrs. Righter
Cash Crop Source:
An agricultural crop grown to sale for a profit.
The owning of people by other people; bondage.
The study of how goods and services are produced and distributed.
An intense, sometimes excessive, regard for local interests or concerns. Northern vs.Southern interestsinterests
In or of the period prior to a war, esp. the American Civil War.
States’ rights
States’ Rights I n the United States, all rights and powers not delegated to the federal government by the Constitution nor denied by it to the states.
The act of coming to live in a new country.
of or having to do with a city or town.