Jesus Christ, the Only Foundation I Corinthians 3:7-11
Introduction-1 Paul is dealing with the division among the Christians at Corinth over preachers Various groups claimed an affiliation with a favorite teacher- I Cor. 1:12 & v. 4 Paul rebuked them for following their fleshly desires He let them know that there is only one teacher that they should claim to follow- Jesus Christ Paul compares Jesus to the foundation of a building- v. 11
Introduction-2 The foundation is the first part of a building Its structure determines the strength, soundness and durability of the building A weak foundation will result in a weak building But one can also build a weak building on a strong foundation- vv The spiritual foundation is what people depend upon and what they consult when making their decisions
There is Only One Foundation “No other foundation can anyone lay”- v. 11 Paul said the foundation had already been laid It was not laid according to human wisdom- I Pet. 2:7-8 The foundation was selected and laid by God He chose Jesus to be the foundation and the chief cornerstone- Eph. 2:19-20 Jesus, the anointed One, is the only God-approved foundation He will reject all buildings that are built on other foundations
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Gospel-1 The word gospel (euangelion) means good news The good news of forgiveness of sins which every person needs- Rom. 3:23 & Rom. 6:23 That comes with the hope of a resurrection to eternal life- Col. 1:5 The person, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ are the foundation truths of the gospel- I Cor. 15: 3-4
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Gospel-2 The gospel contains many other great teachings Found throughout the New Testament But they provide no good news and give no hope without Christ His resurrection proved His claims- Rom. 1:4 And is a guarantee of our hope- I Cor. 15:22-23 Without Jesus’ resurrection, our faith is futile and we are hopelessly lost- v. 17
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Church-1 In Matt. 16:18, Jesus promised to build His church He said He would build it upon the rock of Peter’s confession- v. 16 That He is the Christ, the Son of the living God 1.That Jesus is the one anointed by God to be prophet, priest and king over His people 2.That he is God’s Son in a special sense Deity in a human body (Immanuel)- Mt. 1:23
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Church-2 In the metaphor of a physical body, Jesus is called its head- Eph. 1:22-23 These statements suggest that the church should be what Jesus intended for it to be Not a social or a benevolent organization, but the pillar and the ground of the truth- I Tim. 3:15 A holy, living, growing spiritual house- I Pet. 2:5 And its organization, its teaching and its work should be according to His authority- Col. 3:17
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Christian Life-1 Every person is building his/her own spiritual house Each one of us selects the foundation upon which we will build our house Worldly people build on many things Wealth, family, their wisdom, their own good deeds to name a few Some religious people build on the teachings of scholars, preachers or human traditions
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Christian Life-2 In doing so, they reject the teachings of Jesus He compared all these foundations to sand that is easily shifted and moved- Mt. 7:26 He said that those who build on such foundations are foolish Because their house will not stand the storms of life nor in the judgement And its fall will be great- v. 27
Jesus Is the Foundation of the Christian Life-3 Faithful Christians will build upon the rock of Jesus’ example and teachings Which will bring glorify God- I Cor. 6:20 Jesus said this type of building is wise- v. 24 Because it will withstand the storms of this life And will endure to eternal life Are you building on Jesus this morning?