New hardware with less pocket pain Eric Krebill Thomas Bibeault
Montcalm Area Career Center Purchased 67 Acer NetTop computers Purchased 4 Lenovo NetTop computers Purchased 103 LCD Monitors Replaced 25 Desktop computers with 13 Notebooks for staff Purchased 18 MSI NetBook computers Purchased first LED projector
Costs associated with purchase Acer NetTop computers = $235 Lenovo NetTop computers = $250 20" LCD monitors = $120 Lenovo Notebook computers = $635 MSi NetBook computers = $250 Casio 2500 Lumen LED Projector = $890
Savings associated with purchase NetTop computer = 20.8 Watts LCD Monitor = 27.5 Watts MSi NetBook = 62.8 Watts Desktop computer = Watts CRT Monitor = 53.5 Watts Old computers used 3.5 times as much power as the new computers
LED Projector? Why LED? o 20,000 hour bulb versus 4,000 hour o No mercury o Lower power consumption DLP Projector = 231 watts LED Projector = 178 watts o Very quiet fan that shuts off immediately
Interactive Projectors Interactive add-on for standard projector o cost $700 to $1500 Interactive Projectors o cost $1,000 to $2,300 Smart Boards o cost $1,500 to $6,000
Questions? Eric Krebill Montcalm Area ISD Thomas Bibeault GovConnection, Inc