Site License Advisory Team Feb. 28, 2012 meeting
Agenda 1.Apple Volume Purchase Plan 2.DLP RFP 3.SPSS Renewal 4.Anti-Malware 5.Microsoft CoreCAL Server Licenses 6.Acrobat Enterprise License Agreement 7.Adobe CLP Renewal 8.SLS Request Fulfillment Overview
Apple Volume Purchase Plan Questions from last meeting –WiredOut has offered to take over as a Program Facilitator Purchases will be driven through WiredOut At this time, no other program facilitators will be approved for Ohio State Apps are likely to be available via eRequest OCIO will provide support to WiredOut through this process Departments already owning Volume Vouchers: we’re working on solutions to ensure that no money is wasted
OCIO DLP RFP OCIO Security has re-bid the DLP –Questions about data in use, Mac support, iOS support, and other key issues led to a re- bid and clarification of the requirements OCIO is in the award process –Details should be forthcoming this week or next
SPSS Renewal or Retirement OCIO Site Licensing and OSU Purchasing are in discussions with SPSS –Pricing received from SPSS on Feb. 20 th. –Meetings to discuss pricing delayed by IBM until Feb. 27 th. –Pricing did not meet OCIO’s needs –IUC is examining whether there is a way forward with IBM/SPSS at this time
Anti-Malware Current McAfee agreement expires on Sept. 30, 2012 –OCIO Site Licensing has negotiated new pricing with McAfee Additional options are available –Forefront and Microsoft Security Essentials Student/Home version of Windows McAfee will be retired, replaced with MSE
Microsoft CoreCAL Servers Enrollment for Education Systems (EES) agreement –Option to renew at 1 year or 3 years This will lock pricing for the stated term The IUC has expressed an interest in potentially extending the entire contract on our EES –Current MS CA is up on June 30, 2013 Timeline: –Ink is already on the contract –Approval from Senior Management Council required for PO. Expected this week (last meeting was cancelled)
Microsoft CoreCAL Server Site License Includes: –Windows servers (including HPC), and Windows External Connector (not RDS external connector!) –Sharepoint servers, including Sharepoint Server for Internet Sites –Exchange servers and Exchange Standard External Connector –Lync servers and Lync Standard External Connector –Systems Center Config Manager server and server MLs
Adobe Acrobat ELA “Upgrades” from Acrobat permitted –Drives the price down for larger suites, like the Creative Suites FTE based, students may be included Distribution expected to be on OSU SLS Timeline: –Approved by IT Leaders and no objections from SFO’s –Agreement language received and provided to OSU Legal –Pending approval from SMC
Adobe Acrobat CLP WiredOut is likely to be the renewal vendor of choice for compliance and pricing purposes You must renew maintenance on products before expiration but after the agreement is signed to keep products under maintenance Expiration date: 3/30/12 Timeline: –Agreement received and at OSU Legal –Includes click-through language: you will be able to update Adobe Flash Player!
SLS Request Fulfillment OCIO Site Licensing has hired consultants to improve the workflow of the download site. Key improvements sought include: –Automation of the checkout process –Elimination of paper agreements –Increased access to packages via download –Improved security –Ability to turn on downloads for specific users if necessary –Ability to view distribution records –Ability to tie software to a department –Large file download and distribution