TREASURER Khalil Lockett Southeast District 4-H Cabinet Ambassador Hampton City Unit January 19, 2013
Handler of Funds - Treasurer Keep an accurate record of all money received, make sure receipts are written and all money is deposited – do this with your club leader Pay all bills in a timely manner – usually within 30 days of the invoice Provide an invoice to someone who owes the club money Reconcile (balance) the checkbook each month according to the bank statement
Handler of Funds - Treasurer Be prepared at each meeting to give a Treasurer’s report, even if there is no money in the treasury Serve as chair of the fundraising committee Use the 4-H Treasurer’s book to keep records Make sure an audit is done on the Treasurer’s books at least once a year Two people should sign the checks – and it should NOT be the treasurer and their parent – it should be another adult
Handler of Funds - Treasurer Be prepared to roll coins and double count money after a fundraiser to prepare the bank deposit Store money in a SAFE place until it can be deposited If your club does not have a bank account, make sure you follow these same rules for money collected Make sure the Secretary has a copy of the Treasurer's Report
Sample Treasurer's Report Treasurer’s report January 2, 2013 Balance as of last meeting $ Income since last meeting December 8Wreath Sales Total Income Expenses since last meeting December 154-H Parade Supplies December 21Donation to United Way Total Expenses Current Balance $128.94