Private Agency Home Receiving Care Therapeutic/Treatment Foster Care Group Care/Residential Treatment Behavioral Rehabilitation Services Respite Care 2
Strengths and Challenges 3
ChIPR Supervision plan req. for SAY/PAAY Consent for Medical Care & Medical I.D. Card Information on: medical status including psych medications Educational status and special needs Developmental or other special needs Any protection issues, parental restrictions Relative’s Guide to CWS (Unlicensed) Information on financial support/ reimbursement (Unlicensed) Any court ordered requirements 4
Permanent/Alternate Plan Court Dates, Right to be Heard, Court Report Regular contact Monthly visits Maintain payments Provide access to support systems 5
Unlicensed Caregivers TANF “Non-Needy” Relative Grant Relative Support Funds Licensed Foster Parents Foster Care reimbursement payments Basic and enhanced FC rates Exceptional Cost Plan (ECP) 6
Clothing Vouchers & Personal Incidentals FC Transportation Child care/day care must be part of the child’s case plan Holiday Magic Program Community Support Programs Summer Camp Activities fees Friends of CASA WIC Respite 7
Foster Intervention/Retention Support Team (FIRST) Program Neutral support to families being investigated by DLR/CPS and for licensing violations (253) Critical Support and Retention Program Services for caregivers to help maintain children with high risk behaviors Social Workers must make the referral:
Social worker calls intake – REGARDLESS of other actions DLR CPS investigates allegations licensed care only DLR CPS runs the investigation unless law enforcement leads CFWS worker partners with DLR CFWS worker removes children if that is the decision 9
Concerns or violations that aren’t ca/n - Report concerns to intake Supervision, capacity, discipline Fire safety, medication accessibility, water safety, weapon accessibility Communication needs Family moves New person living in the home Change in bedroom for foster child Licensor request for input on the home 10