Official Name Your Name 6 th Grade Mrs. Seyller April 2013
Contents List each page here and add Action button to that page Make sure you add Back button to go back to Contents page Use 2 columns/ text boxes
World Location: ____________ Map of the World (No Labels) Arrow pointing to your Country Arrow pointing to South Elgin
Continent Location: ___________ Continent: Hemisphere: Neighboring Countries: Major Bodies Of Water: Political Map of Continent
Quick Facts: _____________ Latitude: Longitude: Capital: Largest City: Population: Area: Political Map Of Country With Latitude & Longitude Markings
More Quick Facts: _____________ Motto: Translation: Government: Language: Religion: Currency: Anthem: Choose a different Political Map Of Country ( No Longitude & Latitude)
Etymology: ___________ Give a brief summary of the origin of your country’s name Country Map
Crest & Motto: ___________ Country’s Crest Give a brief description of your country’s crest Motto: _________________ Tell what it means
Vexillology: ___________ Country’s Flag Give a brief summary of the history of the country’s flag. List the colors and what they mean
Geography: The Land Choose a Physical Map Of country (make sure that it has labels on geographic features) Write a brief summary of what the geography of your country is like Include Important mountains, hills, plateaus, valleys, peninsulas, etc. This can be more than 1 slide.
Geography: Bodies of Water Choose a different Physical Map that labels the bodies of water that are in and surround your country Write a brief summary about what type of bodies of water are located in your country Depending on your country, this can be more than 1 slide.
Climate: ______________ Choose a Climate Zone Map of country (make sure that it has a key) Give a brief summary Of your country’s Climate Make sure that you describe all Areas listed on your Climate zone map
Natural Resources: ___________ This could be a map of all Natural resources Or a photo of the main Natural resource. Write a brief summary about the natural resources from your country
Explain what type of government is used and how it works. Explain how laws are made and changed in your country. Government: ___________ Photo and name of Country’s Government Building
List the government officials and their names. Tell how people are chosen to lead the country. Government: ___________ Photo and name of country’s Government Building
Make a timeline of Historical Events in your country. Include only 8 of the most significant events. Then write a brief description of each event. Name of Event 1 Name of Event 2 Name of Event 3 Name of Event 4 Name of Event 5 Name of Event 6 Name of Event 7 Name of Event 8 1st Date2nd Date3rd Date4th Date5th Date6th Date7th Date8th Date Description of Event History: ___________
Currency: ___________ Photo of Currency Give a brief description about the type of money (currency) that is used in your country
List the agricultural products that are grown and produced in this country Agricultural Products: ___________ You may add photos of the Agricultural Products
List the manufactured products that are grown and produced in this country Manufactured Products: __________ You may add photos of the Manufactured Products
Write a brief summary about the traditional food of this country Food: _____________ Add a photo of one of their traditional foods
Write a brief summary about 1 tradition or custom that is celebrated in your country. Include information about who celebrates and when they celebrate. Traditions & Customs: _____________ Photo of People Celebrating Tradition or Custom
Choose 1 place in your country that is a popular tourist attraction. Write a brief summary about what it is, where it is located and why it would be fun to visit. Tourism in _____________ Add a photo of this Tourist Attraction
Give a brief description about the primary language that is used in this country Language: _____________ List of words with meanings Optional: You may insert an audio of this language and insert it
Write a brief summary of the type and names of the traditional style of clothing from this country Traditional Clothing: __________ You may add a photo of the traditional style of Clothing
Write a brief summary of the type and names of the traditional style of clothing from this country Music: __________ You may add a photo of the traditional style of Clothing
List all of the sources that you used to create this report Divide your sources into categories: Internet, Encyclopedia, Book, Primary Source (person), Atlas, etc. Bibliography