Originally performed in honor of Dionysus -God of Wine and Ecstasy -Theatre came about as an extension of festivals in his honor.
The three most famous Greek playwrights are: Aeschylus – Wrote around 90 plays, 7 survived Oresteia Euripedes Sophocles We’re going to read Antigone, which is written by Sophocles
Were most commonly based off of popular myths. Mythology is passed down through oral tradition. Examples of texts that have come from oral tradition: Beowulf The Iliad/ The Odyssey American Folktales: Paul Bunyon, Johnny Appleseed, etc.
THE CHORUS – HUGE part of Greek drama. Purpose: to move the story along to fill in the blanks in the story to give readers/audience back story that they’re not familiar with. The leader of the chorus is called the choragos Centered around suffering of a major character and ends in major disaster.
Tragic Flaw – (harmartia) – the character defect that causes the downfall of the protagonist. Larger than Life traits Archetype – “original type” Original model of a person Oedipal Complex
Strophe – when the chorus chants as it moves from right to left across the stage. Antistrophe – chorus chants as it moves back across stage from left to right. Note these directions in the margins of Antigone, for most ancient Drama lacks stage direction.
Written by Sophocles in 440 B.C. Third play in the Oedipus trilogy. Can anyone summarize the story of Oedipus Rex? Oedipus Rex: The Short Short Version Oedipus Rex: The Short Short Version While reading, pay attention to the Chorus. Back story of the second play, and how we’ve ended up where we’re beginning in Antigone.
Tragic Hero – the protagonist, who possesses a tragic flaw. In Antigone, the tragic hero is? Antigone What is her tragic flaw? She values honoring family and the dead over abiding by laws.