November 18th, 2011 Comprehensive Program Review
Volunteer activities: Started a clothing drive for Friendly House Inc. Wrote Veteran’s Day cards to soldiers through Kind Acts Inc. Wrote individualized letters to terminally-ill children Participated in a food bank and also volunteer at a local church Behavioral Progress: One resident has decreased from a level 1 skill development plan and is now on a progressive independent plan Another resident has decreased from a level 2 to a level 1 skills management plan
Data obtained from the HR Measures & HR Personnel Summary Overdue Performance Evaluations April ’11 - September ‘11 Brookfield0 FT0 PT Westboro1 FT7 PT Windsor0 FT0 PT *Windsor information is from September 2011 only. Total of 8 overdue performance evaluations as of September Last CPR had a total of 0 overdue performance evaluations from September February 2011 (Brookfield & Westboro only). Cluster average of 26.8% turnover for the past year. Previous CPR average was 34.6% for Brookfield and Westboro versus CS overall = 19.2%. CS in MA overall: 25.2%STAFFING
Data obtained from FMRs FYTD : $ (59,066) Previous CPR FYTD Revenue for Brookfield and Westboro was $1,348 (Windsor N/A). *Please note: the financial information for Windsor, CT is from 6/11 – 9/11.
Data obtained from FMRs FYTD: $(31,935) Favorable/ (Unfavorable) Previous CPR FYTD Revenue-Expenses for Brookfield and Westboro was $11,581. *Please note: the financial information for Windsor, CT is from 5/11 –9/11 only.
Data obtained from FMRs FYTD: $27,515 Previous CPR Salaries FYTD: $(3,794) *Please note: the financial information for the Windsor, CT is from 5/11 –9/11 only.
Data obtained from FMRs FYTD: $( 1,229 ) *Please note: Data for Windsor, CT is from 6/11 – 9/11 only. Previous CPR Consultants FYTD: $(1,911) (Windsor, CT N/A)
Data obtained from MMRs There were a total of 24 medication incidents or occurrences from 4/11– 9/11 (Brookfield and Westboro only). Windsor had a total of 1 for July-September Previous CPR showed 1 medication incident/ occurrence from 9/10-2/11 (Brookfield and Westboro only). Medication Incidents & Occurrences per client April-September 2011 Average medication incidents/ occurrences per client for April – September 2011 = 2.4. (Note: insufficient data to include Windsor in this average given program opened in July 2011.) ( Windsor July-September Only )
Data obtained from MMRs Average of 1.5 clinical hours per client each month (Windsor not included).
Data obtained from MMRs Average of 2.77 Community Inclusion Activities Participated in per Client per Month Average of 3.46 Mainstream Activities Participated in per Client per Month
DE-ESCALATIONS: RESTRAINTS April 2011– September 2011 (Windsor data is from 7/1/11 – 9/30/11) BROOKFIELD13.3:1 WESTBORO13:1 WINDSOR, CT23.6:1 CLUSTER AVG. RATIO16.6:1 TOTAL DE-ESCALATIONS/ RESTRAINTS FOR THIS PERIOD 751/50 ELOPEMENTS April 2011– September 2011 (Windsor data is from 7/1/11 – 9/30/11) BROOKFIELD0 WESTBORO2 WINDSOR, CT2 CLUSTER TOTAL (6 MOS.)4 Previous CPR (September 2010 – February 2011): BROOKFIELD33:1 WESTBORO 3.2:1 Data obtained from MMR’s
Mandatory ISP Documents – 91% (total) Assessments – 100% Provider Support Strategies – 100% Progress Summaries – 73% Employment/Education 5 clients employed 3 clients enrolled in full-time education (62% of clients are either employed or enrolled in school) Other No Contraband (“trigger Items”) found in the programs over this time period Data obtained from the MMR’s
Cluster Positives Quarterly Fire Drills 100% Staff Training forms – all 100% Safety, Search, & Disaster Informal Fire Safety Carbon Monoxide Informal Human Rights Mandatory Medical Appointments – all 100% Annual Physical Annual Dental Bi-Annual Vision Financial Audits for the Cluster showed 100% credit Cluster Areas to Improve Upon Mandatory Signatures Behavior Plans Psychotropic Treatment Plans Consent Forms Dated Documentation to DDS Individual Budgeting Sessions
Data obtained from Shirley Training Records Monthly Average Per House: Brookfield – 72 hours Westboro – 50 hours Windsor CT – 292 hours Total: 1608 Hours