Unit 6
Alexander the Great B.C. Son of Philip and Olympias (Philip’s principal wife) Traces his heritage back to Heracles and Achilles Was truly convinced that he potentially was the son of Zeus and not Philip May have also poisoned Philip’s other son Lived with dreams of eventually being a war hero Very proud of leading the cavalry at Chaeronea, was supremely confident in the battlefield.
Alexander’s Childhood Did not get along with Philip “If Philip continues to win these victories, there will be nothing left for me.” Trained for 3 summers, tutored by Aristotle Carried a copy of The Iliad Trained Bucephalus “My son, when you grow up you will have to find greater kingdoms because Macedon will not hold you.” Didn’t always get along with Philip Olympias was banished to Epirus along with Alexander temporarily Greeks are ECSTATIC when Philip dies Demosthenes throws a party! Alex trains Bucephalus: 49:11 – 54:45 VIDEO VIDEO
Alexander fights with Philip
Securing the Inheritance Defeats Thrace and Illyria Illyrians, Thebans, Athenians and Thracians attempt to rebel Alexander III is rumored to have died in battle, Demosthenes takes advantage! Alexander heads south to crush the rebelling Thebans Alexander for surrender. Thebes said no…..big mistake! The Macedonians defeat Thebes, take 30,000 prisoners and burn the city to the ground! Destroyed the entire city! Greeks saw this as an act of barbarism Elected head of the Greek league Why was it such an opportune time for Greeks like Demosthenes to stir up ideas of rebellion? Why was the failed rebellion of Thebes so important to both the short and long-term success of Alexander in Greece?
Persian Empire million people Babylon is center of culture Susa – administrative Capital Satrapies/Satraps – hereditary rulers Egypt is rival monarch
Darius III in control Trusted leader, Memnon of Rhodes pushes Macedonians back to Hellespont PROBLEMS WITH HIS TRIP: Justification was weak Persia is strong with many resources VERY big Left half his army in Greece No heir! Why did Alexander invade anyway? Trouble in Persia
Seven Wonders of the World Alert!! Colossus of Rhodes Celebrates Rhodes’ victory over Cyprus Stood from B.C. Fell down because of an earthquake Almost 100 feet tall!!!
1. Siege Train/Engineering Corps 2. Officers Two major advantages Alexander had…..
Alexander improved upon siege weapons Moving towers Catapults Battering rams Defensive shields ballisti Needed 125 tons of grain and 100,000 gallons of water a day! Draft animals and war horses Record speeds, miles a day! Siege Train/Engineering Corps
Officers Two generations “The bodyguards” – 7 men his age Alex is always involved in fighting Had scars from every battle Was able to manage egos Darius had no clue how skilled and powerful they are HIS MEN Hephaestion Cleitus the Black Parmenion/Philotas Antipater/Cassander Ptolemy Craterus
keleton-emerges-from-mysterious-greek-tomb htm keleton-emerges-from-mysterious-greek-tomb htm Hephaestion
Cleitus the BlackPtolemy Craterus
Antipater/Cassander Parmenion/Philotas
Alexander’s Army 1,800 “Companions” – elite cavalry force About 3,000 other cavalry 3,000 Macedonian infantrymen Light infantry – javelin men from Thrace Archers from Crete and Illyria 7,000 Greek Hoplites About 37,000 total soldiers Engineers, architects, scientists, surveyors and a historian, Callisthenes Siege machines – torsion catapult Later, Philip’s engineers improved the catapult and was used to break down walls by Alexander in many battles, most notably when sieging the island of Tyre.
Alexander’s invasion
Arrives in Persia, declares himself the new Achilles with Hephaestion representing Patroclus. Goes to Achilles gravesite, runs around naked and puts on the armor that had been there since Achilles’ death….. Alexander enters Persia
334 B.C. Memnon met Alexander in steep river banks “Alexander doesn’t steal victories” Alexander led the cavalry charge that broke through the Persian lines Cleitus the Black saved Alexander’s life Remember this name! Alexander spared very few, killed 90% of the enemy forces! Battle of the Granicus He wanted to send a message to Greece that no Greece mercenaries were to fight under Darius or they would be killed. FACTS: -2 miles long -9 Persian commanders killed
Aftermath of Granicus Coast of Ionia is Alexander’s Tries to invade Halicarnassus, but is unable to Why is it important for him to control the Ionian coast? Olympias and Antipater are not getting along in Macedonia Heads back north toward Gordium
Battle of Granicus
Alexander’s invasion
Seven Wonders of the World Alert!! Mausoleum at Halicarnassus Built in 350 B.C. Honors the wife of the King of Halicarnassus 150 feet high!!!
Gordian Knot Knot on an ox cart, had been dedicated to Gordias, the King Whoever could untie it would be King of Asia! Alexander just sliced it in half…..
Alexander’s invasion
Battle of Issus After a year, the Macedonians were still on the edge of Persia Alexander had become sick the attempted “poisoning” of Alexander Just north of the gulf of Issus November 333 B.C. Alexander’s cavalry break through on the right side, Darius flees Persians – 100,000 Macedonians – 35,000 Alexander kidnaps Darius’s family For the first time, the Macedonians partake in the great spoils of war. The bounty was extremely valuable.
Battle of Issus
Siege of Tyre Represents the gateway to Egypt Nov. 333-Aug. 332 Small island off coast of Persia Spent 8 months to build a causeway 2/3 of a mile long! Also built mobile siege towers Eventually gained about 200 ships from Cyprus and other Persian cities Killed 8,000 defenders, crucified 2,000 SHOCKING SIEGE: Darius can’t believe Alexander took Tyre It once held out for over 13 years against a siege!
Let’s Make a Deal! Darius III offers Alexander a deal Western half of Asia Marriage to his oldest daughter Why did Alexander take it? “If I were Alexander I would take it.” “If I were Parmenio, I would take it too.”
Alexander in Egypt Capitulates to Alexander’s Army Commissions the building of Alexandria Regarded as pharaoh
Oasis at Siwa “Getting to Siwa” “Getting to Siwa” “Were the assassins of my father punished?” “Were the assassins of Philip punished”… - Calisthenes
Seven Wonders of the World Alert!! Lighthouse in Alexandria Built between B.C. Stood up to 450 ft high! Fell down because of earthquakes Didn’t finally fall until 1323 A.D.!
Descendant of Heracles Oracle at Delphi and Siwa Copy of the Iliad, ; shield and armor of Achilles Ate, drank, and slept with his men Ask about their wounds, led attacks from the front (not like Hannibal, Julius Caesar, etc..) His men are proud to say they served their king! Alexander’s Image