ScotStat Network of Local Government and Public Body Analysts Equalities Data Workshop Fairways House, Inverness, 17th February 2009
What you said you wanted from today 1.Find out about sources of equality data 2.Advice on monitoring sensitive equality strands e.g. religion and sexual orientation 3.Advice about when to ask service users for equality data
10.00 Welcome and Introductions Presentations: Legal duties National data availability Scottish Government Research Small group discussions about local data availability, data gaps, problems, priorities Coffee break Whole group discussion around possible solutions Presentation: The Scottish Government harmonised survey agenda Discussion Individual action planning Team Quiz End of workshop
All information from today will be put on the Network’s website: Register your interest in Equalities Statistics on the ScotStat register to be kept informed of developments: Contact us: Social Justice Analysis Team: Amy Wilson Ruth Whatling Shona Rennie Statistical Support for Public Bodies: Sara Grainger