Information Services during the Year of Transition
The Context Bold and aggressive change agenda –Newgen degrees –Postgraduate schools –Research consolidation External imperatives –RQF –DEST review of profiles model
Information Services Context Re-alignment sought to provide –Leadership –Client-focused services –Agility Leadership still an issue We’re still building maturity There’s still ‘disappointment’ with IT But we have delivered quite a lot We need to stay focused, deliver and tell people about it
Priorities 2007 Research & research training Learning and teaching Knowledge transfer Student experience Enterprise information management IT services ICT infrastructure Enabling
1.Research & Research Training 1.1Develop and implement a research data management service to assist academics to better manage their research data in compliance with the newly approved Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. 1.2Re-develop the University’s e-prints digital repository service to meet RQF reporting requirements.
2.Learning and Teaching 2.1Ensure all 2008 subjects have a presence on the Learning Management System by the end of Review the University’s needs for an e-portfolio solution (which could underpin learning, demonstrate the attainment of graduate attributes and record knowledge transfer activities) to ensure core systems and infrastructure are in place to meet expectations. 2.3Re-develop library policies, services and infrastructure to reflect the new Melbourne model and changed curriculum. Emphasis will be on enhanced student-centric services offered through learning precincts enriched through virtual “anytime, anywhere” library services.
3.Knowledge Transfer 3.1 Re-develop the Grainger Museum as a cultural and research hub, showcasing unique items from the collection, providing an entertainment space and also space for collaborative and independent research and study.
4.Student Experience 4.1Develop a proposal and seek funding for the development of a seamless student IT experience: single sign-on, single student lab interface and printing solution and a clear IT shared service delivery model for students. 4.2Implement disaster recovery systems and infrastructure for all enterprise-level student facing systems 4.3Complete the implementation of core systems to improve the student experience: student portal, student ID cards, student handbook replacement system and tutorial allocation system. 4.4Investigate the best way for the University to use systems to manage its relationship with students as they move from prospective student through to alumni. 4.5Make significant progress on the implementation of the new Student system.
5.Enterprise Information Management 5.1Work with the Planning Office to improve the quality of management information reporting. Priorities will be the development of appropriate policies and systems and the cleansing of existing enterprise data to improve its accuracy and useability. 5.2Deploy a new web search engine for the University’s website.
6.IT Services 6.1Escalate the implementation of IT shared services across the faculties with a view to significantly completing the initiative in Develop a desktop computer lifecycle management service (including an SOE) and implement this across the administration in the first instance. Include remote deployment of software and software updates (subject to funding). 6.3Develop an IT server and storage service for Faculties for implementation in 2008 (subject to funding). 6.4Finalise implementation of the network endpoint management service to all faculties and divisions.
7.ICT Infrastructure 7.1Develop a strategy for hosting media-rich web content. 7.2Develop a University-wide strategy for identity and access management to meet emerging research needs and enhance the quality of the student experience. 7.3Rollout the University’s eXchange and calendaring system to the remainder of the University. 7.4Rollout the University’s web content management system.
7.ICT Infrastructure (cont…) 7.5Develop a University strategy for enterprise server and storage consolidation. 7.6Upgrade the Themis IT infrastructure. 7.7Develop a proposal for ‘wireless everywhere’ and seek funding for this (and implement based on funding available). 7.8Make significant progress on renewal of the university’s core network. 7.9Implement and populate the Queensberry street data centre and begin work on the renewal of the Thomas Cherry data centre.
8.Enabling 8.1Significantly increase the maturity of our services and project planning, management and delivery (through process improvement and training) 8.2Develop the leadership capability of staff within Information Services. 8.3Improve external and internal communication. 8.4Work with HR to develop appropriate policies for extending hours of service and after hours on call support arrangements to meet emerging demands for a more flexible academic year.
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