Exploring the Unknown Big 6 Research Model Revised 2/14
Background… While Science Fiction is a genre all on its own, many of its original ideas stem from the fantasy genre. In the early 1800’s, Mary Shelley created one of the first sci-fi novels, Frankenstein, on a dare! A small group of vacationers were asked to write ghost stories. She wrote one of the most unique and horrifying! Mary Shelley did not wish the story to be considered "supernatural”, so she made the main character a scientist and his scientific efforts the focal point for the plot.
I. Why do we teach it? Click on the link below to watch a video. Pay attention to the main idea. You may want to write down the questions the video asks as you are watching it. What If? What If? After watching… What does the video suggest about the importance of teaching science fiction in schools? Why or how do you know this?
Periods 5 &8 Click the link below to read the article. How do the main ideas in the article support what was suggested in the previous video? Why Today's Inventors Need More Science Fiction Why Today's Inventors Need More Science Fiction
The Essential Question How do science fiction and fantasy structurally and stylistically differ? Should it be considered its own genre? These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved. %3A%2F%2Furania-josegalisifilho.blogspot.com%2F2012%2F05%2Fscience-fiction-subgenres- outiline.html&ei=3837UsTMEYumsQSJ4IGwDQ&bvm=bv ,d.eW0&psig=AFQjCNGxN8spW7W4w4PAT8cfRUaFzsA-KA&ust=
II. Is it Reliable? Before you conduct any research, watch the following video to determine the credibility of online sources. Credibility of Online Sources Credibility of Online Sources Then take this quiz to test your knowledge. Write your answers on your worksheet. Brain POP Quiz Brain POP Quiz
III. The Student Activity Use the links provided on the next slide to complete the chart. Keep in mind what you learned about credible sources. Some sources are more reliable than others. Use your findings to come up with a definition for science fiction in your own words. These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved. Sci FiFantasy Def Setting Plot
IV. Information Sources These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved. 1. Definition 2. Themes 3. What is it? 4. Setting&Elements 5. Setting&Elements 2 6. Sci fi vs fantasy 7. Purpose of Science Fiction 8. Red StoneRed Stone Which 3 websites did you find to be the least helpful/credible?
V. The Assessment Activity Follow the links on the next slide to view two video clips. One is science fiction and one is fantasy. Which one is science fiction and how do you know? You may only use what you see in the trailers. Do not use your prior knowledge. List as many pieces of evidence as you can! These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
Science Fiction or Fantasy? Movie Clip 1 Movie Clip 1 Movie Clip 2 Movie Clip 2
Enrichment Activities The following are excellent sites about: How far is too far? How far is too far? Ray Bradbury Ray Bradbury Cloning Three Cloning Comic Four Comic Peruse at your leisure! These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.
Teacher Support Materials Employ the Big6 process model for research Evaluate the credibility of outside resources when using outside resources. Apply computer literacy and keyboarding skills at the Intermediate level Use keyboard and mouse effectively and efficiently. Use technology responsibly Follow an inquiry process. Objectives taken from the Howard County Grade 8 Essential Curriculum These materials are © 2005 NAME, SCHOOL, all rights reserved.