Coolest Scientist on Earth A Research Lab Webquest
Who do you think is the coolest scientist on Earth? In this research lab, you will use the internet or library to find information about scientists around the world that you can relate to. The more effort you put into your research the more points you will get! Extra Credit for the most interesting facts or an response from a living scientist (Make sure you ask a question relevant to their research!). Let's keep it interesting!
Procedure Choose a scientist from your cultural background and, to avoid replication, make their name known to the class by posting it on the bulletin board. Using the web sites listed in the Website List (or do a search of your own try using a search engine to search for information on your scientist. Be sure to save some images to a folder on your disk to include in your report. Include the information outlined in the following “Scientist Summary” in your report. Make sure your final report is typed and that you include relevant images.
When is it due? Friday! Everyone will turn in a typed summary of their research with images. (Answer questions) (30 points) Give a short (2 to 3 minute) presentation about their scientist. (highlight most interesting facts) (20 points)
Scientist Summary Who : What is the scientist’s name? When: When did/do they live? Where: Where were/are they from? –Where did/do they do most of their research? What: What kind of scientist were/are they? –What did/do they do? Summarize their career. Why: Why are they important / famous? –Did they contribute to science or technology? –Why did you choose this scientist? Source(s): –Books- bibliography style –Internet- url (
Where to Look (Website List) Search engines: Wikipedia, Google, Alta Vista, or Yahoo!WikipediaGoogleAlta VistaYahoo 4000 years of Women in Science Women of the Marine Biology Laboratory in MA Women Physicists Women Biologists Women Mathematicians Women in Science, Math and Elsewhere Famous Chemists Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering Best Online Resources for Minorities in Science Famous Hispanic Scientists African-American Scientists and Inventors Notable Asian-American Scientists African-American Inventors Filipino Inventors and Filipino Scientists Great Indian Scientists