This initiative focuses on introducing teenagers to the academic world, which is inherently of international nature. The Dov Lautman Unit for Science Oriented Youth at Tel Aviv University has launched several collaborative projects that together form a comprehensive approach. English is chosen as the language for the international communication virtual platform.
Create an educational platform of an international dimension for the nourishment and development of youngsters, drawing them together through common involvement in courses. This program is designed to motivate youth to pursue higher education and encourage their international networking.
The first stage is to reach out and recruit the relevant populations. We have targeted middle school and high school pupils, from all sectors of society that desperately seek intellectual challenges and are unable to find them in their own environment. We believe that we should do our best for teenagers not to be cut off from their natural habitat, which is a requisite for their normal development. Thus we have designed these programs to provide a complementary framework. It emphasizes positive social behaviour, creating an active learning community and friendships.
Based on: over than ten years of experience with introducing teenagers to academic courses, years of virtual courses, recent experience of developing a program of dedicated academic courses for bright and motivated 9 th graders We develop our vision of specially designed virtual academic courses for teenagers.
Source of information Communication enabler (real time interactions and off-line) Creativity enhancer Media for educational interaction Platform for educational materials
Cognitive processes during e-learning Curriculum adaptation Digital era scope of study
They might: experience immense frustration and lose their self esteem, suffering long term psychological damage. Research shows it might be best take several measures: Provide teenagers separate courses Encourage normal social activities Monitor the pressures imposed on the teenager Provide continuous guidance and counseling Such an example: The program for Future Scientists and Inventors at the Dov Lautman Unit for Science Oriented Youth in Tel Aviv University
Youth University Graduate
(a) Provide necessary infrastructures and equipment, (b) Implement adequate teacher training, (c) Deliver useful content and services, (d) Encourage cooperation and networking; (e) Promote digital literacy, (f) Encourage the use of the internet by pupils
The international initiative at the Dov Lautman Unit for Science Oriented Youth at Tel Aviv University has been very successful for over ten years, reaching over a thousand pupils per period, with a high percentage of re- subscription, and a follow-up program into under graduate studies. As we are on the verge of enhancing our international collaboration, we expect to be able to reach further and make a substantial impact on youngsters everywhere exploiting the virtual platform.