Genesis Review Lesson 23
leave the matter to God leave the matter to God, who is the righteous judge: for by avenging yourselves you take your cause out of the hands of God. This is well expressed in Eccl. 19:17 Admonish thy neighbor before you threaten him, and, not being, angry, GIVE PLACE TO THE LAW OF THE MOST HIGH. Lessons
leave the matter to God leave the matter to God, who is the righteous judge: for by avenging yourselves you take your cause out of the hands of God. Ecclesiasticus This is well expressed in Ecclesiasticus 19:17 Admonish thy neighbor before you threaten him, and, not being, angry, GIVE PLACE TO THE LAW OF THE MOST HIGH. Lessons apocryphal book
Remember the Promises "I am dying; but God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land to the land of which He swore to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob." bulletin
Thank you… My privilege and pleasure…
The Battle For The Soul Speaker Periods of Bible History Wayne Holt
Before The Flood Genesis 1-5
The Flood Genesis 6-10
Scattering of the People Shinar Genesis 11 Tower of Babel
Patriarchs Abraham Ur Haran Canaan
Patriarchs Abraham Isaac Jacob Canaan Joseph Egypt
Exodus after 400 years Moses plagues on Egypt Nation Promise Fulfilled Covenant Law Tabernacle Priesthood A Pharaoh arose who did not know Joseph “Go!!”
Wandering in Wilderness 40 years of wandering Spies sent into Canaan Miriam and Aaron die Moses sins Balaam and Balak Joshua appointed
Wandering in Wilderness Canaan Conquered the Eastern side Moses sees the land and dies on Mt Nebo Joshua is ready to enter the Promised land
Invasion and Conquest Northern campaign Central campaign Southern campaign Land is divided Land promise fulfilled
Judges Rebellion Repression Repentance Rescue ‘We want a king’
United Kingdom Israel Saul 1040 – 1000 B.C. David 1000 – 960 B.C. Solomon 960 – 920 B.C.
Divided Kingdom Israel North 10 tribes Jeroboam All evil kings Judah South 2 tribes Rehoboam Few good kings X
Divided Kingdom Israel fell in 721 B.C. to Assyria
Judah Alone Judah 721 – 586 B. C. X
Captivity Judah taken into Babylon 1 st group in 606 B.C. 2 nd group in 597 B.C. 3 rd group in 586 B.C. 70 years
Return from Captivity Palestine Zerubbabel in 536 B.C. Ezra in 458 B.C. Nehemiah in 445 B.C.
Years of Silence Palestine Amos 8:11 ‘a famine of hearing the word of God’ ???
Life of Christ Years of Preparation (30 years) Beginning of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Great Galilean Ministry (18 months)
Life of Christ Periods of Retirement (6 months) Close of Ministry (6 months)
Life of Christ Last Week Resurrection and Exaltation
Early Church Jerusalem Judea Samaria Acts 2:38
Early Church The Gospel expands to Asia Minor
Letters to Christians...across the Aegean Sea
Letters to Christians travels of Paul, Silas, Timothy, Luke
Letters to Christians …and on to Rome letters by Peter, Paul, James, Jude, John
Genesis 11 Creation 22 Adam and Eve in the Garden 33 First Sin 44 Cain and Abel
Genesis 55 Generations of Adam 66 Wickedness; building of ark 77 Flood 88 Waters recede
Genesis 99 Meat for food; rainbow promise; capital punishment; sin of Noah 10 Generations of Noah 11 Tower of Babel; scattering of the people
Genesis 12 Promises to Abraham; lie in Egypt 13 Abraham and Lot separate 14 Abraham rescues Lot 15 God’s covenant with Abraham
Genesis 16 Birth of Ishmael 17 Covenant of circumcision 18 Strangers visit Abraham 19 Destruction of Sodom
Genesis 20 Abimelech 21 Birth of Isaac 22 Sacrifice of Isaac 23 Sarah dies
Genesis 24 Wife for Isaac 25 Jacob and Esau 26 Isaac and Abimelech 27 Jacob gets the blessing
Genesis 28 Jacob goes to Laban; dream 29 Jacob marries 30 Children and flocks 31 Jacob leaves Laban
Genesis 32 Jacob wrestles with God 33 Jacob meets Esau 34 Defiling of Dinah 35 Deaths of Rachel and Isaac
Genesis 36 Esau’s descendants 37 Joseph’s dreams 38 Judah and Tamar 39 Joseph and Potiphar’s wife
Genesis 40 Butler and baker 41 Pharaoh’s dreams 42 Brothers buy grain 43 Brothers return for more grain
Genesis 44 Benjamin has the cup 45 ‘I am Joseph’ 46 Jacob moves to Egypt 47 Settling in Goshen
Genesis 48 Blessing Ephraim and Manasseh 49 Jacob’s blessings and death 50 Death of Joseph
Sins in Genesis 3—in the garden Eating forbidden fruit 4—Cain kills Abel Anger, hatred, murder 6—flood is coming Wickedness of man was great 9—Noah gets drunk Drunkenness, disrespect
Sins in Genesis 11—tower to heaven Arrogance, self-glory 12—Abraham in Egypt Lying 16—Sarah gives Hagar for son Faithless, disbelief 18—Sarah “didn’t laugh” lying
Sins in Genesis 19—Sodom Homosexuality, drunkeness, incest 20—Abraham and Abimelech Lying 25—Esau Profaned birthright 26—Isaac and Abimelech lying
Sins in Genesis 27—Jacob gets the blessing Lying, deceit, hatred 28—Rachel takes the idol Stealing, deceit 34—Dinah Defilement (rape?), lying, revenge, murder
Sins in Genesis 37—brothers sell Joseph Hatred, deceit 38—Judah and Tamar Adultery 39—Potiphar’s wife Lying
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 3—creation and following Greatness of God and His creation General law of marriage Lesson 5—Cain and Abel Importance of correct worship Our choice to conquer sin Lesson 6—marriages and flood Importance of spouse selection Doing ‘all’ God has commanded
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 7—tower of Babel Glory to God, not self Lesson 8--Abraham Looking for a city whose foundation’s builder and maker is God Lesson 9--Melchizedek (tithing) how much should I give?
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 10—A son is coming A working faith Lesson 11—Lot and visitors Sinful means do not justify any end Homosexuality is sin Lesson 12—She is my sister Lying is always wrong Shining forth as a good example
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 13—offering Isaac Importance of obeying God Lesson 14—wife for Isaac Learn to work Always ready to pray Lesson 16—Jacob flees Laban God keeps His promises
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 17—Jacob meets Easu Meaning of true repentance Lesson 18—defilement of Dinah Danger of revenge Danger of momentary temptations Lesson 19—Joseph is sold Sins of hatred, deceit, jealously Danger of peer pressure Faithfulness under bad circumstances
Lessons from Genesis Lesson 20—brothers meet Joseph God is in control Sins will be found out Lesson 21—Joseph revels himself Forgiveness Lesson 22—Jacob dies revenge