Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners Chief Judge Belvin Perry, Jr. February 22, 2011
Booking and Receiving Center Facts 3 Courtrooms 2 Misdemeanor Divisions – Initial Appearances 1 Felony Division – Violations of Probation Staff 3 Judges 3 Judicial Assistants Court Reporters and Court Interpreters provide services remotely from the Orange and Osceola County Courthouses
Booking and Receiving Center Benefits Reduction in daily jail population 3,493 inmates – February 15, 2011 5,277 – Estimated population without the 3 courtrooms $98,280 savings per day $35,872,404 savings per year Avoids/Delays Jail expansion Avoids/Delays Courthouse expansion 3 Judicial Offices 3 Judicial Assistant Offices 3 Courtrooms Established Second VOP Division Dispositions = 3,334 cases Located in Orange County Courthouse Closed a Juvenile Division
Mental Health Court Mental Health Court is a diversion program that diverts mentally ill offenders from the Jail into community based treatment programs – Mental Health Court Two County Judges at the BRC Active cases = 121 Status hearings = – Mental Health Strike Force Active cases = 1,646 Resolved cases = 1,002 Mental Health Executive Strike Force Reviews complex cases
Drug Court Drug Court consists of a team approach to treatment using the courts to provide oversight with consequences for violation of program rules as well as incentives and rewards for compliance Adult Drug Court Referrals = 756 76% success rate 14% recidivism rate Juvenile Delinquency Drug Court Referrals = 266 87.7% success rate Family Dependency Drug Court Referrals = 76 83.3% success rate
Domestic Violence Court In 2007, the Court established 3 dedicated Domestic Violence Divisions to handle high conflict family cases. The Domestic Violence Courts were the direct result of recommendations outlined in the Domestic Violence/Child Abuse Commission’s Final Report Domestic violence injunctions = 4,535
Family Ties The Family Ties Program provides supervised visitation for children and monitored exchanges in a safe and secure environment Supervised visitations = 397 Monitored exchanges = 268
Teen Court Teen Court is a voluntary diversion program from Juvenile Court or school suspension. Teen Court is designed to expedite the cases of first-time misdemeanor offenders Cases filed = 1,154 Adult Volunteer Hours = 1,941 Teen Volunteer Hours = 4,400
Neighborhood Restorative Justice The program empowers victims and the communities through negotiation, conferencing, mediation, and reparation Misdemeanor referrals = 245 Felony referrals = 47 Restitution collected = $3,796 Community service hours = 8,181
Sanctioned to Read Sanctioned to Read is a diagnostic and prescriptive reading program. The purpose of the program is to achieve literacy for each defendant sentenced to the program Youth in program = 194 Grade level increase in comprehension = 1.98 Grade level increase in language skills = 2.3
Orange County Budget FY Funding SourceBudget Grants$1,101,557 Fines and Fees$3,973,477 General Revenue$ 741,752 Note - Orange County Clerk of Court reimburses general revenue $289,000 for Court Administration Jury Services
Governor’s FY Budget FY Target reduction for Judicial Branch 574 employees $33.8M Ninth Circuit Court Eliminate 32 Judicial Assistants Eliminate 4 Staff Attorneys FY Reduce budget additional 8.65% Eliminate 10 Court Administration positions
Challenges Increasing caseload Certified for 5 additional Judges No more available courtrooms No more available chambers Increasing courthouse visitor traffic - lines ChartChart PhotographsPhotographs Elevator capacity Parking garage capacity PhotographsPhotographs State budget shortfall (current) - $68M Furloughs Layoffs Court closure
Challenges Case processing Meaningful pre-trials Special Felony Case Management Program Most jury trials and jury trial days of the twenty Judicial Circuits in Florida 799 Trials 1,480 Trial days