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Question 1: The answer to a subtraction problem is the … Difference
Question 2: Ms. Bernstein saved $36,700 this year. Last year, she saved $29,625. How much more did Ms. Bernstein save this year than last year? $7,075
Question 3: What is a number not evenly divided by 2 called? It has 1,3,5,7,or 9 in the ones place A Prime Number
Question 4: The answer to an addition problem is called … The sum
Question 5: What is it called when I calculate using rounded numbers; useful for mental math? Estimating
Question 6: What is a number that can be evenly divided by 2; it ends with 0,2,4,6, or 8? An even number
Question 7: Ms. Bernstein needed 3.25 yards of material for a sewing project. She had 1.75 yards left from her last project. How many more yards of material does Ms. Bernstein need? 1.50 yards
Question 8: Mrs. Pace went shopping with $50. She bought a CD for $12.89 and a pair of sandals for $ About how much money does Mrs. Pace have left? About $16
Question 9: Three chains are 2.75 m, 3.4 m, and 5.86 m long. The chains are linked together. What is the length of the full chain? m
Question 10: Coach Roberts filled a 12- gallon cooler with a sports drink. The team drank 8.75 gallons during the game. How much of the sports drink was left? 3.25 gallons
Question 11: The average precipitation in Texas ranges from inches in Jasper County to 9.43 inches in El Paso. How much greater is the amount of precipitation in Jasper County than El Paso? inches
Question 12: Ms. Beckworth rounded meters to 6.55 meters. What place did Ms. Beckworth round to? Hundredths
Question 13: Ms. Bernstein bought a dress on sale for $ The regular price of the dress was $ What is the best estimate of how much Ms. Bernstein saved on buying the dress on sale? About $15
Question 14: What is rounded to the nearest tenth? 9.4
Question 15: What is the sum?
Question 16: In 2000, the population density of the state of Texas was about people per square mile. What is this number rounded to the nearest ones? 80
Question 17:Compare 0.89 __ > 0.809
Question 18: Mrs. Miles, Mr. Hagar, Mrs. Stoever, and Ms. Bernstein ran the 4-man relay race for field day. Mrs. Miles averaged a time of 1.8 minutes for her part of the race, Mr. Hagar averaged 2.25 minutes, Mrs. Stoever averaged 2.1, and Ms. Bernstein averaged 1.66 minutes. What is a reasonable total time to estimate that they will run in their next race? About 8 minutes
Question 19: What is the estimated sum, rounded to the nearest hundred thousand? 4,256, ,621,982 About 7,900,000
Question 20: What is 549,000 rounded to the nearest thousand? 500,000