2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Role Play: Fresh Ideas for Setting Up Security Roles in Astra 7.5 Truman Glenn University of Houston Note: UH is currently using Astra v
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd There are many layers to setting up roles to meet the unique needs of your campus. What to identify first: Is your data (capacity, room type, features, etc.) for each room correct and matching against what systems produce your Coordinating Board reporting? What rooms belong in what region/college/department? Who has control of your scheduling rooms? Do you want security in place for it? At UH, we have the need for 12 college regions. Until late in the scheduling process, each college dictates what classes are scheduled in their area. We do have 150 General Purpose (GP) lecture classrooms that after a specific date all colleges can use to shop for classroom space. All other “non-GP” classrooms and room types are off limits to other colleges unless permission is granted. We moved from an honor system of room assignments to security driven so nobody touches a subject/room they should not have access to. If you have schedulers outside your office, when do you need their security demoted (for a short time) for view only for optimization runs, when do you allow them to start shopping after publishing the optimizer, and when do you allow them access to additional rooms like our GP example. If you have schedulers outside your office, what subjects/courses do you want them to have access to and what locations to you want them to place classes?
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Is your data correct? Nothing beyond this slide matters if the data collected for each room and entered into Astra 7.5 is not correct. Among many things, your utilization rate will suffer. Judging what the future scheduling and classroom space needs are for your campus will be impossible if the data you are running to build support for positive change are not accurate. UH audited every capacity, room type (lecture classroom, laboratory, special class lab, etc.), and room feature (for lecture classroom only initially) were correct AND made sure the data matched what was listed in PeopleSoft and FAMIS (internal facility software). Consistent naming conventions for room type and room name (can be as unique as needed) will help in many areas, including security setup.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Region Setup: What rooms belong in what region/college/department? The system administrator must have the following security role provided to allow the setup of regions. Click on “Resources” and then the “Regions“ link to access your region list or to create new ones.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Who has control of your scheduling rooms and when? Do you want security in place to enforce it? Does that security setting need to change at different times per term? Do you need to lock down what subjects users can update room locations for? At UH: Our campus allows schedulers to update room location for classes up until the census day. When Fall 2013 census approaches, schedulers will go from able to update room changes for classes to view only for 3 weeks while we work on the optimization run for Spring 2014 (SECURITY ROLE #1 PER COLLEGE). After the optimizer results for Spring 2014 are published, each college has update access to only their subjects and can only shop for rooms in their region for 2 weeks (SECURITY ROLE #2 PER COLLEGE). After the initial 2 weeks, in addition to their own region, GP lecture classrooms across all regions are open for room shopping, but the college can still only touch their own subjects (SECURITY ROLE #3 PER COLLEGE).
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Role Setup: The system administrator must have the following security role provided to allow the setup of roles. Click on “Setup” and then the “Roles“ link to access your roles list or to create new ones.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd 3 Security Roles Created Per College #UH VIEW ONLY- Used during optimization time to avoid confusion previously experienced on campus of new classes being built in PeopleSoft AND placed in rooms during optimization process. Clear instruction provided that once deadline occurs all new classes created will need to be tracked by department and manually assigned a room after optimizer is published. This is an incentive to get the majority of scheduling completed where possible. The college can only view rooms, sections, events, the calendar, people, and reports during this time. #UH CLOSED SCHEDULING PERIOD- Used for 2 weeks after publishing optimizer. The college can update rooms locations only for subjects that belong to the college and only in their own region. The college can still view all rooms, all sections, all events, the calendar, people, and reports during this time. #UH OPEN SCHEDULING PERIOD- Used 2 weeks after optimization, this security role duplicates the closed period but adds the ability for each college to shop for designated “General Purpose” lecture classrooms in other regions across campus as well. This security remains assigned until the census day of the appropriate term.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd What do those 3 security roles created look like in Astra 7.5? #UH VIEW ONLY Every view only role is setup the exact same across all colleges. The main reason to still have a college specific view only role is to make your job easier keeping individuals marked to a specific college when switching your roles. Every security item is set to view as seen in this picture.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd What do those 3 security roles created look like in Astra 7.5? #UH CLOSED SCHEDULING PERIOD While it is important for everyone to be able to view all sections, our office made the call that the honor system needed more teeth by enforcing security. Each college can view all rooms. Each college can save room location updates in rooms located in their own region (as specified in the region list). Per the course inventory of PeopleSoft, we entered only the subject codes that a college has ownership over. Colleges can view all subjects and see all rooms listed in Astra, but can only save changes to their subjects for rooms in their region.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd What do those 3 security roles created look like in Astra 7.5? #UH OPEN SCHEDULING PERIOD The difference in setup between the closed and open scheduling periods is small. We simply add the “GPC” (General Purpose Classroom) region under the “Request Rooms” area. I created a “GPC” region Unlike Astra 6, Astra 7.5 has no clear way to track a history of room locations. There is a report that currently does not “live” in the Reports area, but can be uploaded to assist in tracking down the movement of a course/user if needed. Please contact me directly for directions to access this report. This option will go away with the release of Astra and an actual request will be sent to the Registrar’s office to be approved prior to the schedule change.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd To Change a College’s Role: Click on “Setup” and then the “Roles“ link to access your roles list or to create new ones. To change and entire college of schedulers from “Open” to “View”, in the filter area click on “Open” role as appropriate and click search to view all individuals from the college. For each individual listed, click on the “edit” button for each user, click the “View” role for the same college, and click save.
2013 Texas Ad Astra Summit Monday, July 22 nd Questions? Thank you!!! Truman Glenn University of Houston