Stakeholders - Their Expectations Why are we here? What are outcomes for today? Who are stakeholders? How do we communicate or engage with them? Do we know what they want? Are stakeholders needs or expectations changing?
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? Legislatures Assurance on reliability of financial reports Information about effectiveness and efficiency of programs The emergence of small parties with focus on special interests The effect of tighter budgets Well- publicised frauds in other jurisdictions Paper-based reports Reports on the web The expectation gap Thinking in terms of communication in place of reporting The need to maintain the confidence of legislatures in the audit function
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? Parliamentary committees Close working relationship between committees and A-Gs Regular briefings Increasing partisan approach by committee members Issues in maintaining close working relationship while maintaining independence Deciding what issues of interest to committees will be dealt with and when Enhanced communication Understanding issues of interest or concern to members
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? Governments and Agencies Unqualified opinions Balanced reporting Auditor will “add value” Stability of audit teams Minimise disruption to agencies’ activities during the course of an audit Avoiding political embarrassment Increased external scrutiny from other sources may raise expectations of audit outcomes The electoral cycle Outsourcing of traditional public sector functions Regular contact between auditor and Ministers, agency executives Close involvement with agencies’ audit committees Enhanced communication of relevant information key stakeholders – may involve innovative use of IT
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? MediaNewsworthy stories Concentration of media ownership Decline in journalistic quality The 24 hour news cycle Cultivating journalists so that they understand issues The rise of bloggers, Face- book and Twitter
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? Professional bodies Advancement of bodies’ interests and maintaining bodies’ relevance to members. Influencing the debate on issues relevant to members Changing role of professional bodies Bodies may need to develop closer ties to offices in order to maintain relevance Some of us may do this better than others. Do we understand what bodies want to achieve? Competition between professional bodies for members Using bodies as training organisations Using bodies as a means of disseminating information from audit offices
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? The publicElimination of wasteful spending Increasing electoral cynicism The rise of special interest groups Cannot meet all expectations, but are reports addressing underlying public concerns Ensuring reports are readable Good communication building on the emergence of new communication technologies
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? Other Integrity Officers Legal compliance & transparency Greater community expectations Generally offices appear to have good working relationships, but we need to acknowledge risks that may lead to differing views between audit and others in this area Good and regular communication Maintaining the pre- eminence of the audit function
Stakeholders – Their Expectations StakeholderExpectationsAre Expectations Changing? How Well Do We Meet Those Expectations? What About The Future? StaffCareer, development opportunities Yes. Gen Y effect The change in attitudes may be bewildering, but is being experienced on a number of fronts – handling it relies on good management Identifying new sources of recruitment Examining our working practices and environments to improve retention rates