CausesEffects If we don’t use plastic bags.No more pollution, we can save animals lives. If we clean up litter.We can live in a healthy environment If we reduce the use of plastic bags and don’t pollute. We can save the wild life in our ocean and local environment. If we all use cloth bags when we go shopping. There won’t be any more holes dug to put them in, and danger the earth at the land fill.
QuestionThink about your topic and the background. Who can help you? My family, friends, and my local community could help me. What do you already know about this? I know that plastic bags are a very big hazard to us, animals, and the earth. Where are you doing this? I am doing this at my local shopping centers. When will you do this? I will do this every time I go shopping from now on. Why is it a good idea? It’s a good idea because we all want to save the earth, and do something good. How will you do this? I’m going to do this by asking for a paper bag at the store, bring or buy cloth bags to substitute the plastic bags.
1. (main source) cienceandindustry/recycling/ 3. w/Recycling_Facts.pdf w/Recycling_Facts.pdf /08/10/plastic_bags
QuestionIf, Then Statement If we reduce the use of plastic bags, Then the world would be less polluted and endangered. If we all start using cloth bags instead of plastic bags, Then there will be less pollution in the earth from the factories that make them and general pollution to people and animals.
I am going to record how many cloth bags, plastic bags, and bought bags for the next 4 times I go major shopping. I am going to try to reduce the use of plastic bags by at least 3%.
Date:Cloth bags used:Plastic bags:Brought cloth bags (if any) April total:15293
In my graph/ data it is showing how much of cloth bags I used, how many plastic bags I used, and how many bags I bought for the next time(if any). I decreased the use of plastic bags by 6.9%. I recorded my data for the 4 times I went major shopping.
› My talent 21 project is finding a solution of reducing the use of plastic bags. My graph and chart explains the use of cloth bags, plastic bags, and if I bought any new cloth bags to use the next time I go shopping. My goal was to improve the use of cloth bags instead of using more or all plastic bags, and it was accomplished. I reduced the usage of plastic bags by 6.9%. If everybody in the world decreased the use of plastic bags by at least 6.9%, then the world would be less polluted. More animals would also live, the earth would be a better environment to live in, for us and future children and adults.
Only about 1 percent of plastic bags are recycled world wide, and the rest of the 99 percent that are discarded will persist for about 450 years! More than 100,000 marine life and wildlife are dyeing from these treacherous plastic bags! There are 46,000 pieces of plastic litter floating in every square mile of ocean, according to the United Nations Environment Programmed. In the Northern Pacific Gyre, a great vortex of ocean currents, there's now a swirling mass of plastic trash about 1,000 miles off the coast of California, which spans an area that's twice the size of Texas, including fragments of plastic bags.Northern Pacific Gyre,
The first man-made plastic was created by Alexander Parkes who publicly demonstrated it at the 1862 Great International Exhibition in London.
From this talent 21 project I learned many things about recycling and the environment. What I liked about this project was that we got to do things hands on. Also, I got to learn how much plastic bags harm the earth, when I really didn’t know anything about them. I am happy I got to do this project and be able to realize how much I also harmed the earth by using plastic bags.