Third Trimester Science Project How our bodies use fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Essential Unit Questions Why do we need fats? How does our body use carbohydrates? What role does protein play?
What will we do in our unit? We will do research in the computer lab using key words such as: Fats Proteins Nutrition Carbohydrates Health
Next Step We will then organize our information on a story board page. This page needs to be completely filled out before we return to the computer lab to do Power Point. Remember: Use detailed facts that everyone will understand. Information should be appropriate for subject area.
Computer Lab Day Take your completed story board page. Use words per slide. Chose a background where you can read the type. You need ten slides: One title slide Seven fact slides Work cited slide Three comprehension questions
Check List Be sure you have all the requirements View your slideshow, and add pictures and color to improve your slides. Make changes to background or pictures if necessary.
Congratulations! Present your Power Point to the class. Look at your audience! Bask in their praise of your great presentation. You did a great job!