Major Grade Science Project Presentation to Community Members. At 5:30-6’ish, take your project and set it up in the commons at your teacher’s table (there will be a sign there). You must present your project to three non relative adults. When you have presented your project-do the following: Have the person (who you presented to)-sign your paper. (see the following) Ask the person who signed your paper, to write down two comments: –#1. Positive comment about the project –#2 Comment about room for improvement on the project When you have received the above information after you have presented your project to three non relative adults do the following: Turn in your paper to your teacher or to Mrs. Magrogan at the sign in table to receive your wristband. Wear the wrist band to your science class on the following day. Your teacher will cut off the band and apply a 100 to the science project presentation grade. If you were unable to be present during this night’s activities, you must make arrangements with Mrs. Magrogan to receive credit for an alternative situation. You may make these arrangements in her office after school on Fridays or during all lunches. You must have a pass from your teacher to come to her office.
Presenting Science Fair Project to the Community #1. Signature of Adult Positive Comment Room for improvement Comment #2. Signature of Adult Positive Comment Room for improvement Comment
Presenting Science Fair Project to the Community #3. Signature of Adult Positive Comment Room for improvement Comment