Collider Physics based on e-Science Paradigm of Experiment-Computing-Theory Kihyeon Cho, Junghyun Kim and Soo-hyeon Nam High Energy Physics Team KISTI.


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Presentation transcript:

Collider Physics based on e-Science Paradigm of Experiment-Computing-Theory Kihyeon Cho, Junghyun Kim and Soo-hyeon Nam High Energy Physics Team KISTI (Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information) June 23~26, 2010 CCP2010, Trondheim, Norway 1

Kihyeon Cho Contents e-Science paradigm Experiment-Computing-Theory Experiment-Computing Theory-Experiment Theory-Computing Summary Results Summary 2 e-ScienceTheory Comput- ing Experi- ment

Kihyeon Cho e-ScienceTheoryComputingExperiment Super- computer Feed-back and tools e-Science environment e-Science paradigm in Collider Physics To probe the Standard Model and search for New Physics Tony Hey (MS)

Kihyeon Cho 4 USA KEK, Japan USA ILC Collider Physics

Experiment-Computing 5 e-Science Theory Computing Experime nt

Kihyeon Cho For experiment-computing, we use e-Science environment. The components of e-Science environment are data production, data processing and data analysis with collaboration. To develop new tools to future experiments Belle II, LHC, etc. 6

Kihyeon Cho The goal of e-Science environment 7 Data ProductionData Processing Data AnalysisData Production To study collider physics anytime, anywhere even if we are not on-site laboratories Virtual Laboratory enables us to research as if we were on-site K. Cho, JKPS, 53, 1187 (2008) Fermilab, USA

Kihyeon Cho 8 Components of e-Science environment Data Analysis collaborative Data Processing Data Production EVO (Enabling Virtual Organization) Grid Farm Remote Shifts On-line (RCR) Off-line (SAM DH) 1 3 An example ⇒ CDF 2 On-SiteKISTI

CDF Operation Center KISTI Remote Control Room

Kihyeon Cho Tools for future experiment 10

Theory-Experiment 11 e-Science Theory Computing Experime nt

Kihyeon Cho Theory-Experiment To develop the fusion system of theory and experiment Based on this system, we apply to collider experiments in order to probe the standard model (SM) and search for new physics (NP). t tbar asymmetry at Tevatron Higgs mass at Tevatron Polarization of J/ψ at RHIC 12

Kihyeon Cho K. Tollefson t tbar Asymmetry at Tevatron

Kihyeon Cho 14 We used dimension-6 qqbar ttbar contact interactions with all the possible Dirac and color structures. We considered the s-, t- and u- channel exchanges of spin-0 and spin-1 particles whose color quantum number is either singlet, octet, triplet or sextet. Our results encode the necessary conditions for the underlying new physics in a compact and an effective way when those new particles are too heavy to be produced at the Tevatron. t tbar Asymmetry at Tevatron Model independent analysis S.-h Nam., submitted to PRD

Kihyeon Cho Higgs mass at Tevatron 15 Exclusion region on SM Higgs boson mass at 95% C.L. at Tevatron Higgs Production of the BMSSM with spontaneous CP violation via Higgs-strahlung Process (W,Z) at Tevatron We apply to the Higgs boson mass of the BMSSM by using the exclusion potential of the SM Higgs boson mass. ⇒ Under Way BBMSSM (Beyond Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model)

Kihyeon Cho Polarization of J/ψ at RHIC 16 PRD 81, ( ) by Jungil Lee PHENIX Collaboration has measured J/ψ polarization. The paper is cited by BNL PHENIX Collaboration

Theory-Computing 17 e-Science Theory Computing Experime nt

Kihyeon Cho Theory-Computing To do parallelization and optimization for theoretical model CP Violation in the BMSSM To develop PYTHIA code 18

Kihyeon Cho 19 e-ScienceService Resource Linux OS LCG/gLite Daejeon 19 Supercomputer, Cluster Busan Storage Gwangju Visualization KREONET Seoul GLORIAD Belle/Belle2 ALICE Theory CDF … … AIX OS(IBM) KISTI CA Middleware S.W.Ham, Seung-A Shim, S.K.Oh, PRD80, (2009). BMSSM

Kihyeon Cho H-A mixing in PYTHIA 20 H Decay : ff, WW, ZZ, gg, … Higgs-strahlung process at the ILC A Decay : ff, WW, ZZ, gg, … MSUB(171)=1 : H Production MSUB(172)=1 : A Production PARU(181)=1 : A Decay into Down-Type Quark PARU(182)= 1 : A Decay into Up-Type Quark 1=PARU(183)=PARU(184)=PARU(185) … : A Decay into Lepton, Gauge Bosons, …

Kihyeon Cho Results ⇒ Great success of Experiment-Computing-Theory in collider physics

Kihyeon Cho Summary The e-Science environment of data production, processing and analysis enables us to study collider physics any time anywhere. We showed the e-Science paradigm of experiment, theory and computing in collider physics as new research paradigm in computational physics. 22

Thank you. 23