Chapter 1 Starting a Proprietorship
Terms that you need to know Accounting Planning recording analyzing and interpreting financial information Accounting System A process for providing financial information that will be useful to management
Accounting Records Organized summaries of a business’s financial activities Assets Anything of value that is owned Cash Insurance Supplies Equities Financial rights to the assets of a business Liabilities An amount owed by a business Any business that we buy something from Owner’s Equity The amount remaining after the value of all liabilities subtracted from the value of all assets (Owner’s Name), Capital Account
The accounting equation Property = Credit+ Equity Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity $15,000 $8000 $7000
How the accounting equation changes Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity
More terms Transaction A business activity that changes asset’s, liabilities, or owner’s equity Account Each transaction effects at least 2 accounts Account Title Each account has its own title
Each account has a ACCOUNT BALANCE Each balance should be a positive number Capital Account The account that summarizes the owner’s equity
Work together page 9 Now you do On your own………….
Section 2 How business activities change the accounting equation
Remember the accounts ASSETS=Liabilities + Owners Equity Cash Supplies Prepaid Insurance Accts Pay – Name of Company Name of Owner, Capital
Transaction #1 August 1. Received cash from owner as an investment, $10,000. Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity?
Transaction #2 August 3. Paid cash for Supplies $1577. Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Supplies $1577 Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity?
Transaction #3 August 4 Paid cash for insurance $1,200 Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Supplies $1577 Prepaid Ins $1200 $ ,000 Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity?
Transaction #4 August 7 Bought supplies on account from Ling Music Supplies $2,720 Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Supplies $1577 Prepaid Ins $1200 $2720 Acct Pay Ling Music Supplies Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity?
Transaction #5 August 11. Paid cash on account to Ling Music Supplies $1360 Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Supplies $1577 Prepaid Ins $1200 $2720 Acct Pay Ling Music Supplies Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity? $1360
Work Together Page 13
Now work on your own on page 12 Please check the answers with me or the key in the back of the room.
Chapter 1 Section 3 Preparing a Balance Sheet
Transaction #5 August 11. Paid cash on account to Ling Music Supplies $1360 Assets = Liability + Owner’s Equity Cash Barbara Trevino, Cap $10,000 Supplies $1577 Prepaid Ins $1200 $2720 Acct Pay Ling Music Supplies Do Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity? $1360 $5863 $4297 $1200 $1360 $10000
How Transactions Change Owner’s Equity in an Accounting Equation Revenue – is the amount of money the company generates from the sale of goods.
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #6 August 12 Received cash from sales, $325
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #7 August 12, sold services on account to Kids time $200
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #7 August 12, sold services on account to Kids time $200
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #8 August 12 Paid cash for rent, $250.00
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #9 August 12 Paid cash for telephone bill,$45.00
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #10 August 12 Received cash on account from Kids Time $100.
Received Cash from Sales Transaction #11 August 12. Paid cash to owner for personal use $100.00
Review of Chapter 1 Definition of Accounting Defined important vocab terms Asset Liability Owners Equity Discussed the Accounting Equation Saw the relationship between the Accounting Equation and Transactions Learned how to create a balance sheet
Can you do this transaction Received Cash from owner, Mr. Parks as investment $10,000 Bought supplies with Cash $2000 Bought supplies on Account – Mr. Prosser Supplies $1000 Paid cash on Account – Mr. Prosser $500
Assets = Liabilities + Owners Eq CASH Mr. Parks, Capital $10,000 Supplies $2000 $8000 $2000 $10,000 $1000 Accts Pay- Mr. Parks $1000 $8000 $3000$1000$10,000 $500 $7500$3000$500 $10,000