Annual update on Fuel Poverty and Health December 2008 Helen McAvoy
Overview This paper follows on from the IPH All- Ireland Policy Paper on Fuel Poverty & Health. The paper highlights key developments in fuel poverty policy, research and economics and the activities of the statutory and community sectors on the island of Ireland in 2008.
Data 2006 residential energy use in Ireland was 26% higher than the UK and one third higher than Europe. ESRI estimate an indicative fuel poverty rate of 19% of Irish households (n=300,000 households); 8% of households (n=119,000) report that they cannot afford to heat their homes adequately. (Full references in main report)
Data In Northern Ireland, fuel poverty is estimated to effect 34% of households (n=239,700 households) in A Save the Children policy briefing on fuel poverty and children shows that the proportion of households with children which were fuel-poor doubled between 2004 and (Full references in report)
Data Approximately 12% of deaths of people aged 65 and over in Northern Ireland were associated with low temperatures in the years , and in the Republic of Ireland, 16% more deaths occurred in the winter months of the years , compared to other months of the year. (See full report for references)
Key points Levels of fuel poverty are increasing on the island of Ireland. Economic downturn has a significant effect with unemployed, working poor and renting families at risk. Strategies for tackling fuel poverty must involve action in the owner-occupier, private rented and social housing sectors.