John 6:66-69 V. 66. “From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him. V. 67. Then said Jesus unto them, Will ye also go away? V. 68. Then Simon Peter answered Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? Thou hast the words of eternal life. V. 69. And we believe and are sure that thou art Christ, the Son of the living God.”
The Approach in this Study: Consider the Background situation, which resulted in some ceasing to walk with Jesus. Consider the implications of the question, “Will ye also go away?” Consider Peter’s Question – “Lord, to whom shall we go?” Consider Peter’s Answer – “thou hast the words of eternal life.”
The Background Situation: Many of the Disciples said, “this is a hard saying,” John 6:60. – Harkens back to Jesus’ words regarding the eating of His flesh and drinking His blood, John 6:53, Not referring to the Lord’s Supper. Note John 6:26,27,31, The manna versus the “true bread from heaven,” John 6:34, Jesus is the “bread” of life, vs. 41,48,50,51, note Jesus’ explanation in John 6:63, “the words that I speak unto you, they spirit, and they are life.”
Background -- continued John 6:66: “From that time many of His disciples went back, and walked no more with Him.” – Their Excuse – “this is a hard saying,” John 6:60. – Fact: There are many “hard” sayings of Jesus; “hard,” not so much from the difficulty of understanding, but that of obeying! – This is why Jesus encouraged the people to count the cost of true discipleship. Luke 14:25-35.
Observations: The people left Jesus; He did not leave them! They Left Jesus after they had followed Him! They left Jesus after seeing some of His mighty works! They left Jesus after he had done so much for them! They left Jesus before He would make the greatest sacrifice for them! Jesus did not change His message in order to get them to follow Him!
Implications of the Question, “Will ye also go away,” John 6:67? Man is a creature of choice. Cf. Joshua 24:15. The “Army” of the Lord is an All-Volunteer “Army!” – Jesus invited people to “come unto” Him, Matthew 11: They are not “drafted.” – Jesus does not circumvent the human will, Matthew 23:37. It is Possible for “Disciples” of Jesus to leave Him! John 6:60,66; Luke 9:62. – But if they do leave Jesus, they will suffer the conse- quences! 2 Peter 2:20-21.
“To Whom Shall We Go? We Could go to: The Opinions of the Majority, Matt. 7:13,14. Human Philosophers, Acts 17:21. Human Traditions, Matthew 15:6. The Doctrines and Commandments of men, Colossians 3: The Proclamations of Preachers. Churches built by men. Matthew 16:18; 15:13. The Dictates of our own conscience and feelings, Acts 23:1; 26:9.
We Should “Go” To Jesus if we are looking for: The words of eternal life, John 6:68,63. A Shepherd to follow, John 10:11. Redemption, I Peter 1:18,19; Ephesians 1:6. A Perfect Example to follow, I Peter 2:21,22. Salvation, Luke 19:10; Hebrews 5:9; Acts 4:12. Access to God, John 14:6.
Important Facts About Peter: He asked the right question, “Lord, to whom shall we go,” John 6:68. He gave the right answer, “thou hast the words of eternal life.” He made the right decision, Matthew 4:18-20 – He did not choose to go with the religious leaders of that day. – He did not choose to follow his feelings. – He did not choose to take the easy road, or the path of least resistance.
Conclusion: Jesus wanted His followers to make a personal application of the situation at hand; He asked “will ye also go away?” John 6:67. There is really but one true answer to Peters question, “to whom shall we go?” We must turn to Jesus! He has “the words of eternal life,” John 6:68. If you want “eternal life” instead of “everlasting punishment,” Matthew 25:46, you will follow Jesus!