Institute of Lifelong Health
○ Vision Our vision is to be one of the world class research institute for lifelong healthcare based on Korean genomic cohort project. Our 22 faculty members are committed to basic and clinical research for interactions of gene-environmental factors and lifestyle-disease relationships. Anti-aging Research Cardio metabolic Research Medical Fitness Network for Lifelong Health Korean Genomic Cohort Project
Diagnosis & Treatment by Symptoms Early Detection & Early Treatment Management of Risk Factors Prevention of Disease Medical Paradigm Not sick Accident Death or alive Emergency room Hygiene Good prognosis Cancer Handicapped or not Follow-up Early diagnosis Well-being Metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes mellitus Quality of Life Cohort program Lifestyle modification ○ Objectives Our objective is to establish a new medical paradigm to maintain lifelong health programs for people.
○ Organization and Participants Genomic Cohort Team Cardio metabolic Team Medical Fitness Team Institute of Lifelong Health Center for Exercise Medicine Korean Genomic Research Center Anti-aging Team Participants (specialty) 1. Park, Jong Ku (Epidemiology) 2. Chang, Sei Jin (Biostatistics) 3. Kim, Chun Bae (Health Management) 4. Koh, Sang Bak (Occupational medicine) 5. Baik, Soon Koo (Liver disease) 6. Yoon, Junghan (Cardiology) 7. Chung, Choon Hee (Endocrine Medicine) 8. Hwang, Sung OH (Cardiovascular emergency) 9. Lee, Seung Hwan (Heart Disease) 10. Yoo, Byung Su (angina) 11. Kim, Jang-Young (Echocardiography) 12. Kim, Soo-Ki (Biomedics) 13. Choi, Eung Ho (Dermatology) 14. Cho, Byung Pil (Neuroanatomy) 15. Lee, Young-Hee (Rehabilitation Medicine) 16. Hur, Hea Kung (Nursing Diagnosis) 17. Kong, In Deok (Exercise Medicine) 18. Yeh Byung Il (Molecular Biology) 19. Lee, Kang Hyun (Traumatology) 20. Lee, Kyu Jae (Environmental medicine) 21. Uh, Young (Laboratory informatics) 22.. Lim, Hyun Kyo (Critical care medicine)
○ Activities and Outputs 1.Genomic Cohort Team (1) Establishment of Korean Genomic Cohort (>100,000 people, ) (2) Institution of human genomic Bio-bank (3) Providing the web-based database (Korean Center for Disease Control) (4) Establishment of community-based network
○ Activities and Outputs 2. Anti-aging Team (1) Basic and clinical studies for the genes-diseases interaction (2) Translational research (3) Establishment of community-based network
○ Activities and Outputs 3. Cardio-metabolic Team (1) Basic and clinical studies for the genes-diseases interaction (2) Translational research (3) Establishment of community-based network (4) Development and application of care and prevention program (5) Application of human genomic data from cohort study (6) Establishment of community-based network (7) R&D project for home and E-healthcare (8) Introduction of lifestyle intervention with diet, exercise and stress management Basic and Clinical Studies Translational Research Cooperation with Public Health Agency New Care Program for Lifestyle Disease Cardio-metabolic Team
○ Activities and Outputs 4. Medical Fitness Team (1) Basic and clinical studies for the genes-diseases interaction (2) Introduction of lifestyle intervention with diet, exercise and stress management (3) Development of medical fitness program (4) Establishment of community-based network (5) R&D project for home and e-healthcare (6) Sports medicine-related basic and clinical research. (7) Service to the regional community through active cooperation with health promotion and lifelong health management projects (8) Encouraging relations among business, academics, and research through close cooperation with sports-related fitness business Vision Improvement of the Quality of Life Increase of disability adjusted life expectancy Aims
○ Contact Point Director: Professor Kong, In Deok Address: Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei Univ. 162 Ilsan-Dong, Wonju, Gangwon-Do, Republic of Korea, Tel: Fax: Website: